PACS numbers

61.50.Nw Crystal stoichiometry 75.30.Cr Saturation moments and magnetic susceptibilities 75.50.Gg Ferrimagnetics 75.60.Ej Magnetization curves, hysteresis, Barkhausen and related effects 76.50.+g Ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and ferrimagnetic resonances; spin-wave resonance
  1. Yu.S. Orlov, S.V. Nikolaev et alFeatures of spin crossovers in magnetic materialsPhys. Usp. 66 647–672 (2023)
    71.30.+h, 75.30.Cr, 75.30.Et, 75.47.Lx, 75.50.Pp (all)
  2. P.G. Baranov, A.M. Kalashnikova et alSpintronics of semiconductor, metallic, dielectric, and hybrid structures (100th anniversary of the Ioffe Institute)Phys. Usp. 62 795–822 (2019)
    75.30.Kz, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Gg, 75.76.+j, 75.78.Jp, 76.70.Hb, 78.30.Fs, 78.55.Et, 85.75.−d (all)
  3. Z.G. Bazhanova, V.V. Roizen, A.R. Oganov “High-pressure behavior of the Fe—S system and composition of the Earth's inner corePhys. Usp. 60 1025–1032 (2017)
    61.50.Ah, 61.50.Ks, 61.50.Nw, 61.66.Fn, 64.30.−t, 91.60.Fe (all)
  4. A.A. Mukhin, A.M. Kuzmenko et alDynamic magnetoelectric phenomena within electromagnons in rare-earth borate multiferroicsPhys. Usp. 58 993–1001 (2015)
    75.85.+t, 76.50.+g, 78.20.Fm (all)
  5. V.K. Ignatovich “The neutron Berry phasePhys. Usp. 56 603–604 (2013)
    03.65.−w, 03.65.Vf, 14.20.Dh, 76.50.+g (all)
  6. Yu.B. Kudasov, A.S. Korshunov et alFrustrated lattices of Ising chainsPhys. Usp. 55 1169–1191 (2012)
    75.10.Hk, 75.25.-j, 75.50.Gg (all)
  7. Z.G. Bazhanova, A.R. Oganov, O. Gianola “Fe — C and Fe — H systems at pressures of the Earth’s inner corePhys. Usp. 55 489–497 (2012)
    61.50.Ah, 61.50.Ks, 61.50.Nw, 61.66.Fn, 64.30.−t, 91.60.Fe (all)
  8. N.B. Ivanova, S.G. Ovchinnikov et alSpecific features of spin, charge, and orbital ordering in cobaltitesPhys. Usp. 52 789–810 (2009)
    71.30.+h, 75.30.Cr, 75.50.Pp (all)
  9. D.I. Sementsov, A.M. Shutyi “Nonlinear regular and stochastic dynamics of magnetization in thin-film structuresPhys. Usp. 50 793–818 (2007)
    75.40.Gb, 75.40.Mg, 76.50.+g (all)
  10. V.I. Trukhin, N.S. Bezaeva “Self-reversal of the magnetization of natural and synthesized ferrimagneticsPhys. Usp. 49 489–516 (2006)
    75.50.Gg, 75.60.Jk, 91.25.−r, 91.25.Mf (all)
  11. B.S. Dumesh “Influence of quantum fluctuations on the magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional triangular antiferromagnetsPhys. Usp. 43 365–380 (2000)
    75.25.+z, 75.30.Cr, 76.60.-d (all)
  12. K.P. Belov “Pyromagnetic effect in ferrimagnets with a ’weak’ sublatticePhys. Usp. 43 407–413 (2000)
    75.50.−y, 75.50.Gg, 75.80.+q, 75.90.+w (all)
  13. E.A. Turov, A.V. Kolchanov et alMagnetodynamics of antiferromagnetsPhys. Usp. 41 1191–1198 (1998)
    75.30.−m, 75.50.Ee, 76.50.+g (all)
  14. M.I. Kaganov, N.B. Pustyl’nik, T.I. Shalaeva “Magnons, magnetic polaritons, magnetostatic wavesPhys. Usp. 40 181–224 (1997)
    71.36.+c, 75.30.Ds, 76.50.+g (all)
  15. V.D. Buchel’nikov, N.K. Dan’shin et alMagnetoacoustics of rare-earth orthoferritesPhys. Usp. 39 547–572 (1996)
    43.35.Rw, 75.30.Ds, 75.50.Gg (all)
  16. K.P. Belov “Ferrimagnets with a ’weak’ magnetic sublatticePhys. Usp. 39 623–634 (1996)
    63.90.+t, 75.25.+z, 75.40.−s, 75.50.Gg (all)
  17. P.E. Zil’berman, A.G. Temiryazev, M.P. Tikhomirova “Short spin waves of exchange nature in ferrite films: excitation, propagation, and potential applicationsPhys. Usp. 38 1173–1177 (1995)
    01.10.Fv, 75.30.Ds, 75.30.Et, 75.50.Gg (all)
  18. M.I. Kaganov “New book on electrodynamics of magnetic materialsPhys. Usp. 38 679–681 (1995)
    01.30.Ee, 73.30.-m, 76.50.+g (all)
  19. K.P. Belov “Anomalies of the magnetoresistance of ferritesPhys. Usp. 37 563–575 (1994)
    72.15.Gd, 75.50.Gg (all)
  20. K.P. Belov “Erratum: Electronic processes in magnetic (or, ’Enigmas of magnetite’) [Phys. Usp. 36, 380-391 (May 1993)]Phys. Usp. 36 (11) 1085–1085 (1993)
    75.47.Lx, 75.30.Sg, 75.60.Ej, 75.80.+q, 75.30.Gw (all)
  21. K.P. Belov “Electronic processes in magnetite (or, ’Enigmas of magnetite’)Phys. Usp. 36 (5) 380–391 (1993)
    75.47.Lx, 75.30.Sg, 75.60.Ej, 75.80.+q, 75.30.Gw (all)
  22. P.L. Kapitza “Experimental research in strong magnetic fieldsPhys. Usp. 36 (4) 288–294 (1993)
    75.60.Ej, 75.30.Cr, 75.80.+q, 71.70.Ej, 75.50.Bb (all)
  23. A.K. Zvezdin, A.F. Popkov, M.V. Chetkin “Dynamics of solitons in a domain wall in a ferromagnetSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (12) 1080–1082 (1992)
    01.10.Fv, 75.60.Ch, 75.50.−y, 75.30.Gw, 75.60.Ej (all)
  24. G.S. Kandaurova, N.I. Vlasova et alCooperative domain structures in highly anisotropic alloys with twinned microstructureSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (5) 420–438 (1992)
    75.60.Ch, 75.50.Bb, 75.60.Ej (all)
  25. I.A. Zaliznyak, O.A. Petrenko, L.A. Prozorova “Properties of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets with noncollinear structureSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (4) 328–330 (1992)
    75.30.Kz, 75.50.Ee, 76.50.+g, 76.30.−v, 75.30.Gw (all)
  26. S.O. Demokritov “Direct observation of oscillations of RKKY-interaction in layered magnetic systemsSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (4) 331–333 (1992)
    75.30.Et, 75.70.Cn, 75.60.Ej, 68.55.Jk (all)
  27. O.Yu. Belyaeva, L.K. Zarembo, S.N. Karpachev “Magnetoacoustics of ferrites and magnetoacoustic resonanceSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (2) 106–122 (1992)
    75.80.+q, 72.55.+s, 75.50.Gg, 63.20.−e, 75.30.Ds, 75.60.Ej (all)
  28. A.F. Andreev, A.S. Borovik-Romanov et alIgor’ Ekhiel’evich Dzyaloshinskii (on his sixtieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (1) 49–49 (1992)
    01.60.+q, 75.30.Cr, 75.25.+z, 75.50.Lk (all)
  29. G.V. Kozlov, A.A. Mukhin et alSpin-flipping transitions and dynamic properties of rare-earth weak ferromagneticsSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (9) 835–836 (1991)
    01.30.Cc, 75.30.Kz, 75.40.Gb, 75.50.Ee, 75.50.Gg, 75.20.Ck (all)
  30. R.Z. Levitin, A.S. Markosyan “Itinerant metamagnetismSov. Phys. Usp. 31 730–749 (1988)
    75.30.Kz, 75.10.Lp, 75.20.−g, 75.60.Ej (all)
  31. V.I. Anisimov, V.P. Antropov et alBand theory of magnetism in metals and alloysSov. Phys. Usp. 31 773–775 (1988)
    75.10.Lp, 71.20.Be, 75.50.Ee, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Cc, 75.30.Cr (all)
  32. A.L. Buchachenko “Magnetic properties of free radicalsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 487–488 (1988)
    75.30.Et, 75.20.−g, 76.30.Rn, 76.70.Dx, 75.30.Cr (all)
  33. Yu.A. Uspenskii “Magnetic properties of 3d-, 4d-, and 5d-elements and their alloys and compoundsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 488–489 (1988)
    75.30.Cr, 75.30.Kz, 75.30.Gw, 75.25.+z, 75.80.+q (all)
  34. Yu.P. Irkhin “Electron structure of the 4f shells and magnetism of rare-earth metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 163–170 (1988)
    71.20.Eh, 75.30.Gw, 75.30.Kz, 75.30.Cr (all)
  35. G.T. Zatsepin, Yu.A. Nechin, G.B. Khristiansen “Use of the magnetic induction of iron in cosmic-ray and high-energy physicsSov. Phys. Usp. 30 1007–1008 (1987)
    41.20.Gz, 75.60.Ej,, (all)
  36. K.G. Gurtovoi, R.Z. Levitin “Magnetism of actinides and their compoundsSov. Phys. Usp. 30 827–850 (1987)
    71.20.Gj, 75.30.Cr, 75.40.−s, 75.30.Kz, 75.25.+z, 75.80.+q (all)
  37. K.S. Aleksandrov, A.S. Borovik-Romanov et alGeorgii Anatol’evich Smolenskii (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 30 544–545 (1987)
    01.60.+q, 75.80.+q, 77.80.Bh, 75.50.Gg (all)
  38. V.E. Antonov, I.T. Belash, E.G. Ponyatovskii “Hydrides: investigations under high hydrogen pressuresSov. Phys. Usp. 29 1068–1069 (1986)
    62.50.+p, 75.30.Cr, 75.30.Kz, 74.62.Fj (all)
  39. V.F. Kovalenko, E.L. Nagaev “Photoinduced magnetismSov. Phys. Usp. 29 297–321 (1986)
    75.30.Et, 75.30.Gw, 75.60.Ej, 75.60.Ch, 75.30.Kz, 75.50.Dd (all)
  40. R.O. Zaitsev, E.V. Kuz’min, S.G. Ovchinnikov “Fundamental ideas on metal-dielectric transitions in 3d-metal compoundsSov. Phys. Usp. 29 322–342 (1986)
    71.30.+h, 71.20.Ps, 75.30.Kz, 75.30.Cr, 71.45.Lr, 71.10.Fd (all)
  41. E.P. Bashkin “Spin waves and quantum collective phenomena in Boltzmann gasesSov. Phys. Usp. 29 238–259 (1986)
    75.30.Ds, 75.30.Cr, 67.57.Hi, 67.57.Jj, 76.30.−v, 75.80.+q (all)
  42. A.F. Andreev, A.S. Borovik-Romanov et alEvgenii Mikhailovich Lifshitz (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 29 294–295 (1986)
    01.60.+q, 75.30.Cr, 75.60.Ch, 64.60.−i, 77.22.Ch (all)
  43. I.K. Kamilov “Magnetic critical phenomenaSov. Phys. Usp. 28 527–528 (1985)
    75.30.Kz, 75.40.Cx, 75.40.Gb, 75.50.Gg (all)
  44. I.I. Lyapilin, I.M. Tsidil’kovskii “Narrow-gap semimagnetic semiconductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 28 349–371 (1985)
    71.20.Nr, 75.50.Pp, 75.30.Kz, 75.60.Ej, 78.20.Ls, 72.20.My (all)
  45. A.A. Samokhvalov, V.V. Osipov “Electron-magnon interaction in magnetic semiconductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 28 96–97 (1985)
    75.30.Ds, 75.50.Pp, 72.20.Fr, 72.80.−r, 75.60.Ej, 78.20.Ls (all)
  46. L.M. Dedukh, V.I. Nikitenko, É.B. Sonin “Dynamics of Bloch lines in a domian wallSov. Phys. Usp. 28 100–101 (1985)
    75.60.Ch, 75.25.+z, 75.50.Gg, 75.70.Kw (all)
  47. K.P. Belov, S.V. Vonsovskii et alKonstantin Mikhailovich Polivanov (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 28 111–112 (1985)
    01.60.+q, 75.60.Ch, 75.30.Cr, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.−y, 75.70.Rf (all)
  48. G.V. Skrotskii “The Landau-Lifshitz equation revisitedSov. Phys. Usp. 27 977–979 (1984)
    75.10.−b, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.−y (all)
  49. Yu.A. Izyumov “Modulated, or long-periodic, magnetic structures of crystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 27 845–867 (1984)
    75.25.+z, 75.30.Kz, 75.30.Gw, 75.60.Ej (all)
  50. A.I. Akhiezer, V.G. Bar’yakhtar et alRotational invariance, coupled magnetoelastic waves, and magnetoacoustic resonanceSov. Phys. Usp. 27 641–642 (1984)
    75.80.+q, 72.55.+s, 62.20.Fe, 75.60.Ej, 75.30.Ds, 75.30.Gw (all)
  51. A.S. Borovik-Romanov, E.G. Rudashevskii et alMagnetoelastic effects of spontaneously broken symmetry and soft modes in magnetic phase transitionsSov. Phys. Usp. 27 642–643 (1984)
    75.80.+q, 75.30.Kz, 75.50.Ee, 75.30.Gw, 75.60.Ej (all)
  52. Yu.S. Barash, V.L. Ginzburg “Some problems in the theory of van der Waals forcesSov. Phys. Usp. 27 467–491 (1984)
    34.30.+h, 34.20.Gj, 32.10.Dk, 75.30.Cr, 77.22.Ch, 68.43.Mn (all)
  53. B.A. Volkov, A.A. Gorbatsevich, Yu.V. Kopaev “Anomalous diamagnetic properties of systems with spontaneous currentSov. Phys. Usp. 27 464–465 (1984)
    75.20.Ck, 75.30.Cr, 75.50.Ee, 75.80.+q (all)
  54. V.G. Veselago “PhotomagnetismSov. Phys. Usp. 27 465–466 (1984)
    75.30.Gw, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.Pp (all)
  55. A.M. Prokhorov, G.A. Smolenskii, A.N. Ageev “Optical phenomena in thin-film magnetic waveguides and their technical applicationSov. Phys. Usp. 27 339–362 (1984)
    78.20.Ls, 75.50.Gg, 75.70.Ak, 42.82.Et (all)
  56. A.S. Borovik-Romanov, Yu.M. Bunkov et alThe spin echo in systems with a coupled electron-nuclear precessionSov. Phys. Usp. 27 235–255 (1984)
    76.60.Lz, 75.60.Ch, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.Ee, 76.50.+g (all)
  57. A.M. Ignatov, A.A. Rukhadze “Ambiguity in the definition of the magnetic permeability of material mediaSov. Phys. Usp. 24 795–797 (1981)
  58. V.N. Dudorov, V.V. Randoshkin, R.V. Telesnin “Synthesis and physical properties of single-crystal films of rare-earth iron garnetsSov. Phys. Usp. 20 505–527 (1977)
    68.55.+b, 75.70.−i, 78.65.Jd, 75.30.Cr (all)
  59. L.N. Bulaevskii “Superconductivity and electronic properties of layered compoundsSov. Phys. Usp. 18 514–532 (1975)
    74.50.Gz, 74.30.-e, 61.50.Nw
  60. V.G. Pokazan’ev, G.V. Skrotskii, L.I. Yakub “Dipole magnetic ordering in nuclear spin-spin systemsSov. Phys. Usp. 18 533–547 (1975)
    76.60.Es, 76.50.+g (all)
  61. V.E. Zakharov, V.S. L’vov, S.S. Starobinets “Spin-wave turbulence beyond the parametric excitation thresholdSov. Phys. Usp. 17 896–919 (1975)
    75.30.Ds, 75.40.Gb, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.−y (all)
  62. B.P. Zakharchenya “The Problem of Optical Orientation of Electron Spins in SemiconductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 797–798 (1975)
    78.20.Ls, 75.60.Ej (all)
  63. M.P. Petrov, G.A. Smolenskii et alDouble Magnon-Nuclear ResonanceSov. Phys. Usp. 17 798–799 (1975)
    76.70.Fz, 75.30.Ds, 75.50.Gg, 76.60.Lz (all)
  64. O.S. Kolotov, V.A. Pogozhev, R.V. Telesnin “Pulsed remagnetization of thin magnetic filmsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 528–541 (1975)
    75.60.Ej, 75.70.Ak, 75.60.Ch (all)
  65. N.E. Alekseevskii, A.A. Slutskin “Magnetic Breakdown in MetalsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 611–612 (1975)
    01.10.Fv, 71.18.+y, 75.47.Np, 75.30.Cr, 75.45.+j (all)
  66. É.V. Galoshina “Magnetic susceptibility of d-band transition metals that are not magnetically orderedSov. Phys. Usp. 17 345–355 (1974)
    75.30.Cr, 75.50.Cc, 75.50.Ee, 75.30.Gw (all)
  67. G.A. Smolenskii “Phase Transitions in Certain Magnetically Ordered and Ferroelectric CrystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 446–446 (1974)
    77.80.Bh, 75.30.Kz, 75.50.Gg, 77.84.Dy, 75.30.Cr (all)
  68. G.M. Drabkin, G.P. Gordeev et alInvestigation of Magnetic Ordering and Phase Transitions in Magnets by a Polarized-Neutron MethodSov. Phys. Usp. 17 460–461 (1974)
    75.30.Kz, 75.25.+z, 75.50.Bb, 75.60.Ej (all)
  69. S.V. Maleyev “Magnetic Dipole Forces and Dynamics of Critical Fluctuations Above the Curie Point in FerromagneticsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 463–463 (1974)
    75.40.Gb, 75.60.Ej (all)
  70. M.I. Shliomis “Magnetic fluidsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 153–169 (1974)
    75.60.Ej, 75.50.Mm, 75.30.Kz, 75.30.Gw, 75.50.Tt, 75.30.Cr (all)
  71. V.P. Peshkov “Measurements of infralow temperaturesSov. Phys. Usp. 15 816–820 (1973)
    07.20.Dt, 75.60.Ej (all)
  72. V.I. Pustovoit “Effects Connected with Phonon Production in SemiconductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 832–833 (1973)
    63.20.−e, 72.50.+b, 75.30.Cr, 72.20.My (all)
  73. G.A. Smolenskii “A Magnetic Memory for Future Generations of Electronic ComputersSov. Phys. Usp. 15 843–844 (1973)
    85.70.Li, 75.60.Ch, 78.20.Ls, 75.30.Cr, 75.60.Ej (all)
  74. N.N. Sirota “Electron and Spin Density Distribution and the Physical Properties of CrystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 851–852 (1973)
    61.66.Fn, 61.10.Eq, 61.50.Ah, 75.30.Kz, 65.40.Gr, 75.30.Cr (all)
  75. I.A. Privorotskii “Thermodynamic theory of ferromagnetic domainsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 555–574 (1973)
    75.60.Ch, 75.60.Ej, 75.30.Gw, 65.40.Gr (all)
  76. G.S. Krinchik “The Optics of FerromagnetsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 534–535 (1972)
    78.20.Ls, 71.20.Be, 71.70.Ej, 75.30.Cr, 75.50.Cc (all)
  77. G.A. Smolenskii “Magneto-optical and Radiospectroscopic Investigations of Magnetic and Dielectric CrystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 542–543 (1972)
    01.10.Fv, 01.10.Hx, 78.20.Ls, 75.60.Ej, 75.25.+z, 75.30.Kz (all)
  78. M.A. Krivoglaz “The Fluctuon States of Electrons in Disordered SystemsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 544–545 (1972)
    71.23.An, 65.60.+a, 64.70.−p, 75.60.Ej, 72.20.−i (all)
  79. E.I. Kondorskii, T.I. Kostina, L.N. Ékonomova “Investigation of the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Chromium Single CrystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 369–369 (1972)
    72.15.Eb, 75.80.+q, 75.60.Ej (all)
  80. R.F. Arutyunyan, M.L. Ter-Mikhaelyan “The Radiation of Charged Particles in Inhomogeneous Media and its ApplicationsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 369–371 (1972)
    72.15.Eb, 72.15.Jf, 75.60.Ej, 75.60.Ch (all)
  81. V.I. Petrov, G.V. Spivak, O.P. Pavlyuchenko “Electron microscopy of the magnetic structure of thin filmsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 66–94 (1972)
    75.25.+z, 75.70.Ak, 68.37.Lp, 75.60.Ch, 75.60.Ej (all)
  82. K.P. Belov “RARE-EARTH MAGNETIC MATERIALSSov. Phys. Usp. 15 130–133 (1972)
    75.50.Bb, 75.50.Gg, 75.50.Ss, 75.60.Ej (all)
  83. M.P. Petrov, G.A. Smolenskii “Distribution of Spin Density and Nuclear Echo in Magnetic CrystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 13 829–830 (1971)
    76.60.Es, 75.50.Ee, 75.50.Gg (all)
  84. Kh.S. Bagdasarov, V.Ya. Khaimov-Mal’kov “New Procedures and Results of Synthesis of High-melting-point Single CrystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 13 671–671 (1971)
    81.20.−n, 61.50.Nw (all)
  85. E.A. Turov “Certain Problems of Modern Theory of MagnetismSov. Phys. Usp. 13 671–672 (1971)
    76.60.−k, 72.15.Eb, 75.60.Ch, 75.30.Cr (all)
  86. M.N. Mikheev, E.A. Turov “SERGEI VASIL’EVICH VONSOVSKII (On the occasion of his sixtieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 13 679–680 (1971)
    01.60.+q, 75.60.Ej, 75.30.Kz, 76.50.+g, 75.30.Gw, 75.50.Ee (all)
  87. V.M. Rudyak “The barkhausen effectSov. Phys. Usp. 13 461–479 (1971)
    75.60.Ej, 75.50.−y, 77.84.−s (all)
  88. K.P. Belov, A.M. Kadomtseva “Magnetoelastic properties of rare-earth orthoferritesSov. Phys. Usp. 14 154–162 (1971)
    75.80.+q, 75.50.Gg, 75.25.+z, 75.60.Ej (all)
  89. G.A. Smolenskii, R.V. Pisarev, I.G. Sinii “Investigation of Magnetooptic Phenomena in Ferro- and AntiferromagnetsSov. Phys. Usp. 12 695–695 (1970)
    78.20.Ls, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.Ee, 75.30.Cr (all)
  90. L.A. Artsimovich, M.A. Lavrent’ev et alLEONID VASIL’EVICH KIRENSKII (OBITUARY)Sov. Phys. Usp. 13 419–420 (1970)
    01.60.+q, 75.60.Ch, 75.30.Gw, 75.60.Jk, 75.50.Gg, 75.50.Cc (all)
  91. K.P. Belov, E.P. Svirina “The Hall effect in ferritesSov. Phys. Usp. 11 620–630 (1969)
    72.20.My, 72.80.Jc, 75.50.Pp, 75.50.Gg (all)
  92. G.S. Krinchik, M.V. Chetkin “Transparent ferromagnetsSov. Phys. Usp. 12 307–319 (1969)
    75.30.Et, 78.20.Ci, 78.20.Ls, 75.50.Gg, 75.60.Ej, 71.70.Gm (all)
  93. A.G. Lundin, N.M. Salanskii, N.S. Chistyakov “Leonid Vasil'evich KirenskiĮ (on his sixtieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 12 434–435 (1969)
    01.60.+q, 75.30.Sg, 75.60.Ej, 75.30.Gw, 75.50.−y, 87.10.+e (all)
  94. I.A. Privorotskii “Experimental investigation of magnetic domains in non-ferromagnetic metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 12 300–301 (1969)
    75.60.Ch, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.Dd (all)
  95. A.Ya. Blank, M.I. Kaganov “Ferromagnetic resonance and plasma effects in metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 10 536–558 (1968)
    76.50.+g, 72.30.+q, 72.15.−v, 75.50.Cc, 75.30.Ds (all)
  96. L.A. Fal’kovskii “Physical properties of bismuthSov. Phys. Usp. 11 1–21 (1968)
    62.20.Fe, 65.40.Ba, 75.30.Cr, 72.15.Eb, 78.30.Er (all)
  97. S.V. Vonsovskii “The physics of magnetic materialsSov. Phys. Usp. 9 874–887 (1967)
    75.30.Cr, 75.25.+z, 76.80.+y, 75.20.−g (all)
  98. V.S. Khristosenko, A.A. Nedel’ko “Study of the properties of ferromagnetic films in a special physics laboratory courseSov. Phys. Usp. 10 405–408 (1967)
    01.50.Qb, 01.50.Pa, 75.70.Ak, 75.60.Ch, 75.60.Ej (all)
  99. V.G. Levich “Concerning a sensational effectSov. Phys. Usp. 9 316–317 (1966)
    65.20.+w, 75.30.Cr (all)
  100. M.M. Farztdinov “Structure of antiferromagnetsSov. Phys. Usp. 7 855–876 (1965)
    75.25.+z, 75.60.Ch, 75.50.Ee, 61.72.Mm, 75.60.Ej (all)
  101. V.M. Fain “Principle of entropy increase and quantum theory of relaxationSov. Phys. Usp. 6 294–323 (1963)
    65.40.Gr, 76.50.+g (all)
  102. L.N. Aleksandrov, B.Ya. Lyubov “A theoretical analysis of the decomposition kinetics of supersaturated solid solutionsSov. Phys. Usp. 4 706–724 (1962)
    64.75.+g, 64.70.Kb, 66.30.Dn, 65.40.−b, 75.50.Gg (all)
  103. S.V. Vonsovskii “Magnetism and electrical conductivity of metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 5 219–238 (1962)
    72.15.Eb, 75.30.Ds, 75.30.Cr, 71.18.+y, 72.15.Lh, 71.45.−d (all)
  104. G.S. Zhdanov, R.P. Ozerov “Neutron diffraction study of magnetic materialsSov. Phys. Usp. 5 104–128 (1962)
    75.25.+z, 75.30.Cr, 75.30.Ds (all)
  105. A.I. Akhiezer, V.G. Bar’yakhtar, M.I. Kaganov “Spin waves in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. II Interaction of spin waves with one another and with lattice vibrations; relaxation and kinetic processesSov. Phys. Usp. 3 661–676 (1961)
    75.30.Ds, 63.20.Kr, 75.50.Ee, 75.30.Cr, 75.60.Ej, 66.70.+f (all)
  106. A.I. Akhiezer, V.G. Bar’yakhtar, M.I. Kaganov “Spin waves in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. ISov. Phys. Usp. 3 567–592 (1961)
    75.30.Ds, 75.50.Ee, 76.50.+g, 75.80.+q, 72.30.+q, 75.30.Cr (all)
  107. G.R. Khutsishvili “The Overhauser effect and related phenomenaSov. Phys. Usp. 3 285–319 (1960)
    76.30.Mi, 76.30.Rn, 71.70.Ej, 75.30.Cr, 76.70.Fz, 61.72.Ji (all)
  108. R. Chentsov “Sixth All-Union conference on low temperature physicsSov. Phys. Usp. 3 457–465 (1960)
    01.10.Fv, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Ee, 75.60.Ej, 72.15.Gd, 71.18.+y (all)
  109. R. Chentsov “Fifth all-union conference on low-temperature physicsSov. Phys. Usp. 2 329–336 (1959)
    01.10.Fv, 74.20.−z, 67.40.−w, 72.15.Gd, 75.30.Cr, 75.50.Ee (all)
  110. K.P. Belov, M.A. Zaitseva “New magnetic materials — garnet ferritesSov. Phys. Usp. 1 62–64 (1958)
    75.50.Gg, 76.50.+g, 75.60.Ej, 75.30.Cr, 61.50.Nw (all)
  111. V.N. Glazkov “Magnetic resonance in low-temperature paramagnetsPhys. Usp., accepted
    76.30.−v, 76.50.+g, 75.10.Jm, 75.50.Ee (all)
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