PACS numbers

66.70.+f Nonelectronic thermal conduction and heat-pulse propagation in solids; thermal waves
  1. A.P. Zhernov, A.V. Inyushkin “Kinetic coefficients in isotopically disordered crystalsPhys. Usp. 45 527–552 (2002)
    66.70.+f, 72.10.−d, 72.15.Eb, 72.20.Pa (all)
  2. B.E. Vugmeister, M.D. Glinchuk “Cooperative phenomena in crystals containing off-center ions—dipole glass and ferroelectricitySov. Phys. Usp. 28 589–607 (1985)
    77.80.Bh, 77.80.Dj, 77.22.Ch, 77.22.Ej, 66.70.+f, 65.60.+a (all)
  3. V.S. Vavilov, E.A. Konorova “Semiconductor DiamondsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 835–835 (1973)
    66.70.+f, 71.55.Cn, 72.20.Jv, 61.72.Ww (all)
  4. A.I. Akhiezer, V.G. Bar’yakhtar, M.I. Kaganov “Spin waves in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. II Interaction of spin waves with one another and with lattice vibrations; relaxation and kinetic processesSov. Phys. Usp. 3 661–676 (1961)
    75.30.Ds, 63.20.Kr, 75.50.Ee, 75.30.Cr, 75.60.Ej, 66.70.+f (all)
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