PACS numbers

61.72.Ww Doping and impurity implantation in other materials 68.55.Ln Defects and impurities: doping, implantation, distribution, concentration, etc.
  1. V.S. Vavilov, A.R. Chelyadinskii “Impurity ion implantation into silicon single crystals: efficiency and radiation damagePhys. Usp. 38 333–343 (1995)
    68.55.Ln, 78.50.Ge
  2. V.S. Vavilov “Possibilities and limitations of ion implantation in diamond, and comparison with other doping methodsPhys. Usp. 37 407–411 (1994)
    61.72.Ww, 68.55.Ln (all)
  3. G.V. Spivak, V.I. Petrov, M.K. Antoshin “Local cathodoluminescence and its capabilities for the study of band structure in solidsSov. Phys. Usp. 29 364–380 (1986)
    78.60.Hk, 71.20.Nr, 68.55.Ln, 73.50.−h (all)
  4. V.S. Vavilov “Some physical aspects of ion implantationSov. Phys. Usp. 28 196–206 (1985)
    81.15.Cd, 68.55.Ln, 68.55.Nq, 78.55.−m, 78.60.Hk, 78.66.Jg (all)
  5. V.S. Vavilov, E.A. Konorova “Semiconductor DiamondsSov. Phys. Usp. 15 835–835 (1973)
    66.70.+f, 71.55.Cn, 72.20.Jv, 61.72.Ww (all)
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