PACS numbers

02.40.−k Geometry, differential geometry, and topology 46.05.+b General theory of continuum mechanics of solids 61.72.Lk Linear defects: dislocations, disclinations 63.20.Mt Phonon-defect interactions
  1. V.I. Ritus “Finite value of the bare charge and the relation of the fine structure constant ratio for physical and bare charges to zero-point oscillations of the electromagnetic field in a vacuumPhys. Usp. 65 468–486 (2022)
    02.40.−k, 03.70.+k, 05.40.−a, 11.10.Hi, 11.10.Jj, 11.55.Hx, 12.20.−m, 41.60.−m (all)
  2. G.E. Volovik “Fifty years of research at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of I.M. Khalatnikov)Phys. Usp. 62 1031–1045 (2019)
    01.65.+g, 02.40.−k, 67.30.−n (all)
  3. T.S. Argunova, V.G. Kohn “Study of micropores in single crystals by in-line phase contrast imaging with synchrotron radiationPhys. Usp. 62 602–616 (2019)
    42.25.Fx, 42.25.Kb, 61.72.−y, 61.72.Ff, 61.72.Lk (all)
  4. Yu.B. Bolkhovityanov, O.P. Pchelyakov “GaAs epitaxy on Si substrates: modern status of research and engineeringPhys. Usp. 51 437–456 (2008)
    61.72.Lk, 62.25.−g, 81.05.Cy, 81.05.Ea, 81.15.−z, 85.40.Sz (all)
  5. A.P. Protogenov “Knots and links in the order parameter distributions of strongly correlated systemsPhys. Usp. 49 667–691 (2006)
    02.40.−k, 11.15.−q, 11.27.+d, 74.20.De (all)
  6. F.V. Dolzhanskii “On the mechanical prototypes of fundamental hydrodynamic invariants and slow manifoldsPhys. Usp. 48 1205–1234 (2005)
    02.40.−k, 45.40.−f, 92.10.−c, 92.60.−e (all)
  7. M.O. Katanaev “Geometric theory of defectsPhys. Usp. 48 675–701 (2005)
    02.40.−k, 46.05.+b, 61.72.Lk, 63.20.Mt (all)
  8. A.I. Musienko, L.I. Manevich “Classical mechanical analogs of relativistic effectsPhys. Usp. 47 797–820 (2004)
    03.30.+p, 05.45.Yv, 11.15.−q, 61.72.Lk (all)
  9. Yu.S. Nechaev “Characteristics of hydride-like segregates of hydrogen at dislocations in palladiumPhys. Usp. 44 1189–1198 (2001)
    61.72.Lk, 61.72.Ss, 64.75.+g, 66.30.Jt (all)
  10. Yu.B. Bolkhovityanov, O.P. Pchelyakov, S.I. Chikichev “Silicon-germanium epilayers: physical fundamentals of growing strained and fully relaxed heterostructuresPhys. Usp. 44 655–680 (2001)
    61.72.Lk, 62.25.+g, 73.40.Kp, 81.15.−z (all)
  11. A.V. Savin, L.I. Manevich et alNonlinear dynamics of zigzag molecular chainsPhys. Usp. 42 245–260 (1999)
    02.40.−k, 36.20.−r, 43.25.Rq, 87.15.He (all)
  12. V.B. Shikin, Yu.V. Shikina “Charged dislocations in semiconductor crystalsPhys. Usp. 38 845–875 (1995)
    61.72.Lk, 71.55.Cn, 72.80.Cw (all)
  13. A.A. Logunov “The theory of the classical gravitational fieldPhys. Usp. 38 179–193 (1995)
    04.20.−q, 03.30.+p, 02.40.−k, 98.80.−k (all)
  14. A.I. Olemskoi, I.A. Sklyar “Evolution of the defect structure of a solid during plastic deformationSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (6) 455–480 (1992)
    62.20.Fe, 61.72.Ji, 61.72.Lk, 61.72.Bb (all)
  15. L.N. Rashkovich, O.A. Shustin “New optical interference methods for studying the kinetics of crystallization in solutionSov. Phys. Usp. 30 280–283 (1987)
    81.10.Dn, 61.72.Lk (all)
  16. S.S. Rozhkov “Topology, manifolds, and homotopy: Basic concepts and applications to n-field modelsSov. Phys. Usp. 29 530–538 (1986)
    02.40.−k, 11.27.+d, 11.15.−q, 61.72.Lk, 61.30.−v, 75.50.−y (all)
  17. V.G. Chudinov “Computer simulation of radiation processesSov. Phys. Usp. 28 277–278 (1985)
    61.72.Bb, 61.72.Ji, 61.72.Lk, 61.80.Hg, 61.82.Bg (all)
  18. V.R. Regel’ “Some problems of contemporary research on the mechanical properties of crystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 27 547–548 (1984)
    62.20.Fe, 81.40.Lm, 61.72.Lk (all)
  19. V.V. Kirsanov, A.N. Orlov “Computer simulation of the atomic structure of defects in metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 27 106–133 (1984)
    61.72.Ji, 61.72.Bb, 61.72.Yx, 66.30.Lw, 61.72.Lk, 61.72.Mm (all)
  20. Yu.A. Kravtsov, Yu.I. Orlov “Caustics, catastrophes, and wave fieldsSov. Phys. Usp. 26 1038–1058 (1983)
    03.40.Kf, 02.40.−k
  21. V.M. Agranovich, V.V. Kirsanov “Problems of modeling radiation damage in crystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 19 1–25 (1976)
    61.80.−x, 63.20.Mt (all)
  22. V.I. Al’shits, V.L. Indenbom “Dynamic dragging of dislocationsSov. Phys. Usp. 18 1–20 (1975)
    61.72.Hh, 63.20.Mt, 78.30.−j (all)
  23. Yu.A. Il’inskii, R.V. Khokhlov “The Possibility of Observing Stimulated γ RadiationSov. Phys. Usp. 16 565–567 (1974)
    61.80.Ed, 61.72.Lk, 76.60.Cq, 71.70.Ej (all)
  24. Yu.A. Osip’yan “Interaction of Dislocations with Current Carriers in CrystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 543–544 (1972)
    61.72.Lk, 61.72.Hh, 62.20.Fe, 72.20.Jv, 61.72.Ji, 72.20.Fr (all)
  25. A.L. Suvorov “Field-ion microscopy of radiation defects in single crystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 13 317–334 (1970)
    61.80.Hg, 61.80.Jh, 61.80.Fe, 61.72.Ji, 61.72.Lk (all)
  26. A.M. Kosevich “Dynamical theory of dislocationsSov. Phys. Usp. 7 837–854 (1965)
    61.72.Lk, 61.72.Bb, 62.20.Dc (all)
  27. R.I. Garber, I.A. Gindin “Physics of the strength of crystalline materialsSov. Phys. Usp. 3 41–77 (1960)
    62.20.Fe, 62.20.Mk, 81.40.Lm, 81.40.Np, 61.72.Lk, 61.72.Mm (all)
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