PACS numbers

95.30.Sf Relativity and gravitation 95.30.Tg Thermodynamic processes, conduction, convection, equations of state 97.10.Cv Stellar structure, interiors, evolution, nucleosynthesis, ages 97.10.Nf Masses 97.60.Jd Neutron stars
  1. G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, I.A. Kondratyev “Free electron gas and electron—positron pair equilibrium in a magnetic fieldPhys. Usp. 64 515–528 (2021)
    05.30.Fk, 71.70.Di, 97.60.Jd (all)
  2. S.B. Popov, K.A. Postnov, M.S. Pshirkov “Fast radio burstsPhys. Usp. 61 965–979 (2018)
    95.85.Bh, 95.85.Fm, 97.60.Jd (all)
  3. A.Y. Potekhin “Atmospheres and radiating surfaces of neutron starsPhys. Usp. 57 735–770 (2014)
    97.10.Ex, 97.10.Ld, 97.60.Jd (all)
  4. A.M. Cherepashchuk “Black holes in binary stellar systems and galactic nucleiPhys. Usp. 57 359–376 (2014)
    04.70.Bw, 97.60.Jd, 98.54.−h (all)
  5. M.R. Gilfanov, R.A. Sunyaev “Radiation-dominated boundary layer between an accretion disc and the surface of a neutron star: theory and observationsPhys. Usp. 57 377–388 (2014)
    97.10.Gz, 97.60.Jd, 97.80.−d (all)
  6. N.I. Shakura “Academician Zeldovich and the foundations of disk accretionPhys. Usp. 57 407–412 (2014)
    04.25.dg, 97.10.Gz, 97.60.Jd (all)
  7. D.G. Yakovlev, P. Haensel et alL D Landau and the concept of neutron starsPhys. Usp. 56 289–295 (2013)
    01.65.+g, 26.60.−c, 97.60.Jd (all)
  8. Challenges in astrophysics (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 25 January 2012)Phys. Usp. 55 929–941 (2012)
    01.10.Fv, 26.60.−c, 52.35.−g, 67.10.−j, 96.60.−j, 97.10.Sj, 97.60.Jd (all)
  9. P.S. Shternin, D.G. Yakovlev “Superfluid neutron starsPhys. Usp. 55 935–941 (2012)
    26.60.−c, 67.10.−j, 97.60.Jd (all)
  10. A.M. Cherepashchuk “Optical investigations of X-ray binary systemsPhys. Usp. 54 1061–1067 (2011)
    97.60.Jd, 97.60.Lf, 97.80.−d (all)
  11. Astrophysics and astronomy (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 January 2011)Phys. Usp. 54 1061–1084 (2011)
    01.10.Fv, 04.20.−q, 11.27.+d, 89.60.Gg, 96.30.Cw, 96.30.Ys, 97.60.Jd, 97.60.Lf, 97.80.−d, 97.82.−j, 98.62.Sb, 98.80.Es (all)
  12. A.Yu. Potekhin “The physics of neutron starsPhys. Usp. 53 1235–1256 (2010)
    26.60.−c, 97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd (all)
  13. V.V. Klimov, Ya.N. Istomin, Yu.A. Kosevich “Plasma phenomena in nanostructures and neutron stars. Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (26 March 2008)Phys. Usp. 51 839–859 (2008)
    01.10.Fv, 01.30.Cc, 61.46.Bc, 71.45.Gm, 81.07.−b, 52.27.Ep, 97.10.Ld, 97.60.Jd,, 63.22.−m (all)
  14. Ya.N. Istomin “Electron — positron plasma generation in the magnetospheres of neutron starsPhys. Usp. 51 844–848 (2008)
    52.27.Ep, 97.10.Ld, 97.60.Jd (all)
  15. S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov “Population synthesis in astrophysicsPhys. Usp. 50 1123–1146 (2007)
    97.10.−q, 97.60.Jd, 97.80.−d (all)
  16. I.D. Novikov, I.D. Karachentsev et alScientific session of the Division of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (28 February, 2001)Phys. Usp. 44 817–818 (2001)
    01.10.Fv, 95.85.Bh, 98.80.Cq, 98.80.Es, 95.35.+d, 98.65.−r, 04.70.-S, 97.80.Jp, 98.35.Jk, 47.37.+q, 97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd (all)
  17. D.G. Yakovlev “Superfluidity in neutron starsPhys. Usp. 44 823–826 (2001)
    47.37.+q, 97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd (all)
  18. D.G. Yakovlev, K.P. Levenfish, Yu.A. Shibanov “Cooling of neutron stars and superfluidity in their coresPhys. Usp. 42 737 (1999)
    04.40.−b, 26.60.+c, 95.30.−k, 97.60.Jd (all)
  19. Yu.N. Eroshenko “Physics news on the Internet (based on electronic preprints)Phys. Usp. 38 1167–1167 (1995)
    71.27.Ta, 95.30.Sf
  20. G.M. Beskin, S.N. Mitronova et alInvestigations of relativistic and rapidly varying objects with high temporal resolutionPhys. Usp. 37 616–618 (1994)
    97.60.Jd, 97.60.Lf, 97.30.−b, 97.30.Nr (all)
  21. A.S. Gadun, V.N. Karpinskii “Problems of the structuration of the sun and starsPhys. Usp. 36 (6) 542–544 (1993)
    97.10.Cv, 96.60.Vg, 96.60.Mz, 97.10.Ri (all)
  22. D.M. Sedrakyan, K.M. Shakhabasyan “Superfluidity and the magnetic field of pulsarsSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (7) 555–571 (1991)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 26.60.+c, 97.10.Ld, 97.10.Cv (all)
  23. V.I. Dokuchaev “Birth and life of massive black holesSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (6) 447–470 (1991)
    98.62.Js, 98.54.Cm, 98.54.Aj, 97.80.−d, 97.10.Bt, 97.10.Cv (all)
  24. M.I. Zel’nikov “Gravitational lensesSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (2) 211–211 (1991)
    95.30.Sf, 98.54.Aj, 98.65.−r, 95.35.+d (all)
  25. V.G. Ryasnyĭ “Supernova shellsSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (5) 393–395 (1990)
    97.60.Bw, 96.10.+i, 97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 96.60.qe (all)
  26. V.L. Dadykin, G.T. Zatsepin, O.G. Ryazhskaya “Events detected by underground detectors on February 23, 1987Sov. Phys. Usp. 32 459–468 (1989)
    97.10.Bt, 95.30.Sf, 97.60.Bw, 14.60.Lm, 29.40.Mc (all)
  27. A.N. Aliev, D.V. Gal’tsov “’Magnetized’ black holesSov. Phys. Usp. 32 75–92 (1989)
    97.60.Lf, 98.54.Aj, 95.30.Sf, 97.10.Ld, 04.70.Dy (all)
  28. N.N. Chugai “Supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud: first year of observationsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 775–776 (1988)
    97.60.Bw, 98.56.Si, 97.60.Jd, 97.10.Fy, 97.10.Ri (all)
  29. G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan “Gravitational collapse, neutrino radiation, and supernova light curvesSov. Phys. Usp. 31 776–777 (1988)
    97.60.Bw, 95.30.Sf, 95.55.Qf, 95.75.De, 97.20.Rp, 97.10.Gz (all)
  30. A.A. Logunov, Yu.M. Loskutov, M.A. Mestvirishvili “The relativistic theory of gravitation and its consequencesSov. Phys. Usp. 31 581–596 (1988)
    04.20.Cv, 95.30.Sf, 98.80.−k (all)
  31. V.N. Mel’nikov, V.N. Rudenko “International School on Gravitation and Cosmology: Course 10 ’Gravitational Measurements, Fundamental Metrology, and Fundamental Constants’’Sov. Phys. Usp. 31 675–677 (1988)
    06.20.Jr, 04.80.−y, 95.30.Sf, 98.80.−k (all)
  32. V.S. Beskin “Neutron stars and equation of state of nuclear matterSov. Phys. Usp. 30 733–736 (1987)
    21.65.+f, 26.60.+c, 97.60.Jd, 97.10.Kc (all)
  33. V.K. Abalakin, G.I. Eroshkin et alCurrent aspects of the problem of fundamental astronomical constantsSov. Phys. Usp. 30 341–343 (1987)
    95.30.Sf, 95.10.Km (all)
  34. I.G. Dymnikova “Motion of particles and photons in the gravitational field of a rotating body (In memory of Vladimir Afanas’evich Ruban)Sov. Phys. Usp. 29 215–237 (1986)
    04.70.−s, 97.60.Lf, 95.30.Sf, 98.62.Sb (all)
  35. G.T. Zatsepin, O.G. Ryazhskaya “Program for the search for star collapse in the GalaxySov. Phys. Usp. 28 726–728 (1985)
    97.10.Bt, 95.30.Sf, 13.15.+g, 97.10.Cv, 98.35.Ac (all)
  36. V.S. Berezinskii “High energy neutrino astrophysicsSov. Phys. Usp. 28 728–730 (1985), 97.60.Gb, 13.75.Cs, 97.60.Bw, 97.10.Cv, 97.20.Li (all)
  37. B.V. Vainer, Yu.A. Shchekinov “The origin of deuteriumSov. Phys. Usp. 28 414–431 (1985)
    98.80.Es, 98.80.Ft, 98.80.Bp, 98.80.Cq, 97.10.Cv (all)
  38. B.M. Vladimirskii, A.M. Gal’per et alCygnus X-3: a powerful galactic source of hard radiationSov. Phys. Usp. 28 153–169 (1985)
    98.70.Dk, 98.70.Qy, 98.70.Rz, 97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 97.60.Lf (all)
  39. M.D. Kislik “Experimental check of the general theory of relativity and the oblateness of the sunSov. Phys. Usp. 28 85–86 (1985)
    04.20.−q, 04.25.Nx, 96.30.−t, 96.12.De, 95.30.Sf, 45.50.Pk (all)
  40. A.G. Morozov, M.V. Nezlin et alLaboratory simulation of the generation of the spiral structure of galaxies (theory and experiment)Sov. Phys. Usp. 28 101–104 (1985)
    98.62.Hr, 98.35.Hj, 97.21.+a, 95.30.Sf (all)
  41. G.S. Egorov, N.S. Stepanov “Simulation of a gravitational lens in a lecture demonstrationSov. Phys. Usp. 25 705–707 (1982)
    01.50.My, 95.30.Sf, 98.70.−f (all)
  42. V.P. Chechev, Ya.M. Kramarovskii “The theory of nucleosynthesis in stars: the slow neutron capture processSov. Phys. Usp. 24 566–584 (1981)
    97.10.Cv, 95.30.Cq (all)
  43. Ya.B. Zel’dovich “Vacuum theory: a possible solution to the singularity problem of cosmologySov. Phys. Usp. 24 216–230 (1981)
    95.30.Sf, 98.80.Bp (all)
  44. G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, V.M. Chechetkin “Nonequilibrium shells of neutron stars and their role in sustaining x-ray emission and nucleosynthesisSov. Phys. Usp. 22 89–108 (1979)
    97.60.Jd, 97.10.Cv (all)
  45. Ya.B. Zel’dovich “Gravitation, charges, cosmology, and coherenceSov. Phys. Usp. 20 945–955 (1977)
    98.80.Dr, 97.60.Lf, 95.30.Cq, 95.30.Sf (all)
  46. I.Yu. Kobzarev “Henri Poincaré’s St. Louis lecture, and theoretical physics on the eve of the theory of relativitySov. Phys. Usp. 17 584–592 (1975)
    01.10.Fv, 01.65.+g, 04.20.Cv, 95.30.Sf, 95.10.Ce, 12.20.−m (all)
  47. O.F. Prilutskii, I.L. Rozenthal’, V.V. Usov “On the Nature of Bursts of Cosmic γ RadiationSov. Phys. Usp. 17 607–607 (1975)
    01.10.Fv, 98.70.Rz, 97.20.Rp, 97.60.Jd, 97.60.Lf, 98.70.Vc (all)
  48. Yu.N. Efremov, S.B. Novikov, P.V. Shcheglov “Prospects for development of ground-based optical astronomySov. Phys. Usp. 18 151–160 (1975)
    98.80.Es, 98.54.Aj, 97.60.Gb, 95.30.Sf, 98.62.Js, 95.55.Cs (all)
  49. M.A. Markov “The future of physics (future generations of particle accelerators)Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 913–925 (1974)
    29.17.+w, 98.54.Aj, 97.60.Jd, 97.60.Lf, 41.75.Fr (all)
  50. M.A. Markov “Global properties of matter in collapsed state (’black holes’)Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 587–599 (1974)
    04.70.−s, 97.60.Lf, 95.30.Sf, 14.60.Lm, 13.40.Em (all)
  51. D.I. Blokhintsev “Geometry and physics of the microcosmosSov. Phys. Usp. 16 485–493 (1974)
    04.62.+v, 11.10.Lm, 03.30.+p, 95.30.Sf, 02.40.Ky (all)
  52. Ya.B. Zel’dovich “Neutron Stars and ’Black Holes’Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 559–561 (1974)
    97.60.Jd, 97.60.Lf, 97.10.Kc, 97.10.Cv, 97.80.Jp, 97.60.Gb (all)
  53. Symposium on the Philosophical Problems of Astronomy in the USSR Academy of SciencesSov. Phys. Usp. 16 579–580 (1974)
    01.10.Fv, 98.80.Bp, 97.10.Cv, 95.30.Sf, 98.62.Js (all)
  54. D.Ya. Martynov “Close binary stars and their significance for the theory of stellar evolutionSov. Phys. Usp. 15 786–803 (1973)
    97.80.Gm, 97.60.Lf, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Nf, 97.80.Hn (all)
  55. S.B. Pikel’ner, V.L. Khokhlova “MAGNETIC STARSSov. Phys. Usp. 15 395–403 (1973)
    97.10.Ld, 97.10.Tk, 97.10.Cv, 25.85.−w, 26.50.+x (all)
  56. I.D. Novikov “Gravitational Field and Metric of Collapsing ObjectSov. Phys. Usp. 15 526–527 (1973)
    97.10.Cv, 97.60.Lf (all)
  57. I.D. Karachentsev “The Dynamic Conditions in Galactic Systems and the Problem of Latent MatterSov. Phys. Usp. 16 279–279 (1973)
    98.65.Cw, 98.65.Dx, 98.35.Df, 98.62.Dm, 97.10.Cv (all)
  58. V.V. Zheleznyakov “On the Origin of Pulsar RadiationSov. Phys. Usp. 16 289–290 (1973)
    97.60.Gb, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Ex, 97.10.Ri (all)
  59. P.V. Shcheglov “Astroclimatic Conditions in Central Asia and KazakhstanSov. Phys. Usp. 14 792–794 (1972)
    97.30.Qt, 97.60.Bw, 95.75.De, 97.10.Ri, 98.80.Es, 97.10.Cv (all)
  60. D.Ya. Martynov “Close Binary Stars and Their Significance for the Theory of Stellar EvolutionSov. Phys. Usp. 15 365–366 (1972)
    97.80.Fk, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Nf, 97.20.Pm, 97.60.Lf, 97.10.Kc (all)
  61. V.A. Belinskii, E.M. Lifshitz, I.M. Khalatnikov “Oscillatory approach to the singular point in relativistic cosmologySov. Phys. Usp. 13 745–765 (1971)
    98.80.Jk, 04.20.Jb, 95.30.Sf (all)
  62. Ya.M. Kramarovskii, V.P. Chechev “Does the charge of the electron vary with the age of the universe?Sov. Phys. Usp. 13 628–631 (1971)
    98.80.Es, 98.80.Jk, 98.80.Bp, 95.30.Sf, 98.80.Cq (all)
  63. A.A. Mikhailov “Motion of the Earth’s PolesSov. Phys. Usp. 13 663–664 (1971)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.qd, 97.10.Ld, 97.20.Pm, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Kc, 95.55.Fw, 95.55.Qf (all)
  64. V.L. Ginzburg “PULSARS (Theoretical Concepts)Sov. Phys. Usp. 14 83–103 (1971)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 97.10.Ld, 97.10.Ri (all)
  65. S.B. Pikel’ner “Magnetic Hydrodynamics of Solar FormationsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 228–229 (1971)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 97.20.Rp, 98.35.Ac (all)
  66. V.L. Ginzburg “Pulsars — Present State of the ProblemSov. Phys. Usp. 14 229–230 (1971)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 97.10.Ri (all)
  67. Ya.G. Dorfman “New Results from the Study of Plato’s PhysicsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 230–231 (1971)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd (all)
  68. V.L. Ginzburg “What problems of physics and astrophysics are of special importance and interest at present?Sov. Phys. Usp. 14 21–39 (1971)
    74.72.−h, 71.35.−y, 04.30.−w, 98.80.Jk, 95.30.Sf, 97.60.Jd (all)
  69. G.F. Sultanov “Features of the Structure of the Planetoid Belt and Their ExplanationSov. Phys. Usp. 12 796–797 (1970)
    97.30.Eh, 98.38.Ly, 97.10.Ex, 97.10.Ld, 97.10.Nf, 97.20.Pm (all)
  70. V.V. Zheleznyakov “Mechanisms of Pulsar RadiationSov. Phys. Usp. 12 807–808 (1970)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 41.60.Ap (all)
  71. I.S. Shklovskii “Concerning PulsarsSov. Phys. Usp. 12 808–809 (1970)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd (all)
  72. V.V. Vitkevich, Yu.P. Shitov, I.F. Malov “Concerning the Model of a Pulsar as a Rotating and Pulsating Neutron StarSov. Phys. Usp. 12 809–810 (1970)
    97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 97.10.Sj, 97.10.Kc (all)
  73. V.L. Ginzburg, V.V. Zheleznyakov, V.V. Zaitsev “Coherent radio-emission mechanisms and magnetic pulsar modelsSov. Phys. Usp. 12 378–398 (1969)
    97.60.Gb, 97.10.Sj, 97.20.Rp, 97.60.Jd (all)
  74. V.B. Braginskii “Gravitational radiation and the prospect of its experimental discoverySov. Phys. Usp. 8 513–521 (1966)
    04.80.Nn, 95.55.Ym, 95.30.Sf, 97.80.−d (all)
  75. Ya.B. Zel’dovich, I.D. Novikov “Relativistic astrophysics. IISov. Phys. Usp. 8 522–577 (1966)
    97.10.Kc, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Gz, 97.60.Jd, 95.30.Qd, 98.54.Aj (all)
  76. Ya.B. Zel’dovich, I.D. Novikov “Relativistic astrophysics. ISov. Phys. Usp. 7 763–788 (1965)
    95.30.Tg, 97.10.Nf, 97.60.Jd, 97.10.Cv, 95.30.Sf (all)
  77. V.L. Ginzburg “What IS verified by measurements of the gravitational frequency shift?Sov. Phys. Usp. 6 930–932 (1964)
    04.20.−q, 95.30.Sf (all)
  78. Ya.B. Zel’dovich “The theory of the expanding Universe as originated by A. A. FridmanSov. Phys. Usp. 6 475–494 (1964)
    95.30.Cq, 95.30.Sf, 98.62.Py (all)
  79. D.A. Frank-Kamenetskii “The origin of the chemical elementsSov. Phys. Usp. 2 600–619 (1959)
    98.80.Bp, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Bt, 97.10.Ex, 97.60.Jd (all)
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