PACS numbers

75.76.+j Spin transport effects 76.30.−v Electron paramagnetic resonance and relaxation 85.75.−d Magnetoelectronics; spintronics: devices exploiting spin polarized transport or integrated magnetic fields
  1. G.G. Kozlov, I.I. Ryzhov et alDevelopment of laser spectroscopy of spin noisePhys. Usp. 67 251–271 (2024)
    07.57.Pt, 76.30.−v, 78.20.Ls (all)
  2. S.V. Demishev “Spin-fluctuation transitionsPhys. Usp. 67 22–43 (2024)
    05.40.−a, 05.70.Fh, 05.90.+m, 61.05.fg, 71.27.+a, 75.20.Ck, 75.20.En, 75.25.Dk, 75.30.Kz, 75.47.Np, 75.50.Pp, 76.30.−v (all)
  3. Yu.M. Kuznetsov, M.V. Dorokhin et alGalvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic phenomena in thin metal CoPt filmsPhys. Usp. 66 312–319 (2023)
    73.50.Jt, 85.75.−d, 85.80.Lp (all)
  4. Yu.M. Shukrinov “Anomalous Josephson effectPhys. Usp. 65 317–354 (2022)
    74.50.+r, 85.25.Cp, 85.75.−d (all)
  5. V.M. Pudalov “Measurements of the magnetic properties of conduction electronsPhys. Usp. 64 3–27 (2021)
    07.55.Jg, 75.70.−i, 85.75.−d (all)
  6. S.A. Nikitov, A.R. Safin et alDielectric magnonics: from gigahertz to terahertzPhys. Usp. 63 945–974 (2020)
    85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  7. K.M. Salikhov “Current state of the spin exchange theory in dilute solutions of paramagnetic particles. New paradigm of spin exchange and its manifestations in EPR spectroscopyPhys. Usp. 62 951–975 (2019)
    75.50.Mm, 75.78.−n, 76.30.−v (all)
  8. P.G. Baranov, A.M. Kalashnikova et alSpintronics of semiconductor, metallic, dielectric, and hybrid structures (100th anniversary of the Ioffe Institute)Phys. Usp. 62 795–822 (2019)
    75.30.Kz, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Gg, 75.76.+j, 75.78.Jp, 76.70.Hb, 78.30.Fs, 78.55.Et, 85.75.−d (all)
  9. Yu.N. Barabanenkov, S.A. Nikitov, M.Yu. Barabanenkov “Quantum fluctuations in magnetic nanostructuresPhys. Usp. 62 82–91 (2019)
    75.30.Ds, 75.76.+j, 75.78.−n (all)
  10. A.K. Zvezdin, M.D. Davydova, K.A. Zvezdin “Ultrafast spin dynamics and inverse spin Hall effect in nanostructures with giant spin-orbit couplingPhys. Usp. 61 1127–1136 (2018)
    75.75.−c, 75.76.+j, 75.78.Cd, 75.78.Jp, 78.20.Ls (all)
  11. V.S. Zapasskii, G.G. Kozlov “Evolution in the optical detection of magnetizationPhys. Usp. 60 628–637 (2017)
    76.30.−v, 76.70.Hb (all)
  12. A.I. Smirnov “Magnetic resonance of spinons in quantum magnetsPhys. Usp. 59 564–570 (2016)
    75.10.Jm, 75.10.Pq, 75.40.Gb, 76.30.−v (all)
  13. D.A. Tatarskiy, A.V. Petrenko et alFeatures of the motion of spin 1/2 particles in a noncoplanar magnetic fieldPhys. Usp. 59 583–587 (2016)
    03.65.Nk, 28.20.−v, 85.75.−d (all)
  14. K.M. Salikhov “Electron paramagnetic resonance applications: promising developments at the E K Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesPhys. Usp. 59 588–594 (2016)
    01.10.Fv, 01.52.+r, 76.30.−v (all)
  15. V.A. Soltamov, P.G. Baranov “Radio spectroscopy of the optically aligned spin states of color centers in silicon carbidePhys. Usp. 59 605–610 (2016)
    76.30.−v, 78.47.−p, 85.75.−d (all)
  16. A.P. Pyatakov, A.S. Sergeev et alMicromagnetism and topologic defects in magnetoelectric mediaPhys. Usp. 58 981–992 (2015)
    75.85.+t, 85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  17. S.A. Nikitov, D.V. Kalyabin et alMagnonics: a new research area in spintronics and spin wave electronicsPhys. Usp. 58 1002–1028 (2015)
    75.30.Ds, 85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  18. Spintronics and nanomagnetism (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 25 April 2012)Phys. Usp. 55 1255–1267 (2012)
    01.10.Fv, 61.72.−y, 62.20.−x, 62.30.+d, 75.47.−m, 75.75.−c, 85.75.−d (all)
  19. A.A. Fraerman “Magnetic states and transport properties of ferromagnetic nanostructuresPhys. Usp. 55 1255–1260 (2012)
    75.47.−m, 75.75.−c, 85.75.−d (all)
  20. A.P. Pyatakov, A.K. Zvezdin “Magnetoelectric and multiferroic mediaPhys. Usp. 55 557–581 (2012)
    75.85.+t, 85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  21. N.V. Volkov “Spintronics: manganite-based magnetic tunnel structuresPhys. Usp. 55 250–269 (2012)
    72.25.−b, 75.76.+j, 85.75.−d (all)
  22. Yu.G. Kusrayev “Spin phenomena in semiconductors: physics and applicationsPhys. Usp. 53 725–738 (2010)
    75.47.−m, 75.76.+j, 85.75.−d (all)
  23. S.A. Tarasenko “Spin photocurrents in semiconductorsPhys. Usp. 53 739–742 (2010)
    75.76.+j, 78.56.−a, 85.75.−d (all)
  24. N.S. Averkiev “Spin relaxation anisotropy in two-dimensional semiconductorsPhys. Usp. 53 742–745 (2010)
    75.76.+j, 76.30.−v, 85.75.−d (all)
  25. A.V. Kessenikh “Magnetic resonance: discovery, investigations, and applicationsPhys. Usp. 52 695–722 (2009)
    01.65.+g, 76.30.−v, 76.60.−k, 76.70.−r (all)
  26. Yu.V. Gulyaev, P.E. Zil’berman, E.M. Epshtein “Nano-sized structures incorporating ferromagnetic metal layers: new effects due to the passage of a perpendicular currentPhys. Usp. 51 409–412 (2008)
    72.25.−b, 75.75.+a, 85.75.−d (all)
  27. A.K. Zvezdin, K.A. Zvezdin, A.V. Khval’kovskii “The generalized Landau-Lifshitz equation and spin transfer processes in magnetic nanostructuresPhys. Usp. 51 412–417 (2008)
    72.25.−b, 75.75.+a, 85.75.−d (all)
  28. A.V. Kessenikh “On Academician E K Zavoisky’s centenaryPhys. Usp. 50 977–978 (2007)
    01.30.Vv, 01.65.+g, 76.30.−v (all)
  29. K.M. Salikhov “Time-resolved EPR spectroscopy of nonequilibrium spin systems produced during spin-dependent photophysical and photochemical processes in condensed mediaPhys. Usp. 49 641–645 (2006)
    01.10.Fv, 03.67.−a, 71.35.−y, 76.30.−v (all)
  30. A.A. Manenkov “The role of electron paramagnetic resonance in the development of quantum electronics: facts and commentsPhys. Usp. 49 645–649 (2006)
    01.10.Fv, 01.65.+g, 42.50.−p, 76.30.−v (all)
  31. L.P. Mezhov-Deglin “Impurity nanocluster structures in liquid heliumPhys. Usp. 48 1061–1070 (2005)
    61.46.+w, 67.40.Yv, 76.30.−v (all)
  32. B.P. Zakharchenya, V.L. Korenev “Integrating magnetism into semiconductor electronicsPhys. Usp. 48 603–608 (2005)
    72.25.Pn, 78.67.−n, 85.75.−d (all)
  33. K.M. Salikhov, Yu.E. Kandrashkin “Spin coherence effects in the EPR spectroscopy of separated charges in a photosynthesis reaction centrePhys. Usp. 39 191–193 (1996)
    76.30.−v, 87.22.Fy
  34. V.E. Kataev, Yu.S. Greznev et alAn EPR study of the density of states and effective coupling constant in La2CuO4 doped with Sr or BaPhys. Usp. 39 197–199 (1996)
    76.30.−v, 76.30.Lh (all)
  35. I.A. Zaliznyak, O.A. Petrenko, L.A. Prozorova “Properties of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets with noncollinear structureSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (4) 328–330 (1992)
    75.30.Kz, 75.50.Ee, 76.50.+g, 76.30.−v, 75.30.Gw (all)
  36. A.A. Romanyukha, Yu.N. Shvachko, V.V. Ustinov “Electron paramagnetic resonance and related phenomena in high-temperature superconductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (10) 862–882 (1991)
    76.30.−v, 74.72.Bk, 74.25.Qt, 74.50.+r, 74.25.Nf (all)
  37. A.B. Roitsin, V.M. Maevskii “Electron paramagnetic resonance of solid surfacesSov. Phys. Usp. 32 891–910 (1989)
  38. A.V. Kessenikh, R.Z. Sagdeev, G.V. Skrotskii “International School on Magnetic ResonanceSov. Phys. Usp. 32 183–185 (1989)
    01.30.Cc, 76.60.−k, 76.30.−v (all)
  39. E.B. Aleksandrov, V.S. Zapasskii “Magnetic resonance in the noise in the intensity of scattered lightSov. Phys. Usp. 30 916–917 (1987)
    76.60.−k, 76.30.−v (all)
  40. E.P. Bashkin “Spin waves and quantum collective phenomena in Boltzmann gasesSov. Phys. Usp. 29 238–259 (1986)
    75.30.Ds, 75.30.Cr, 67.57.Hi, 67.57.Jj, 76.30.−v, 75.80.+q (all)
  41. V.A. Ignatchenko, V.P. Tsifrinovich “Resonance phenomena in the region of overlap between NMR and ESRSov. Phys. Usp. 24 42–56 (1981)
    76.30.−v, 76.60.−k, 07.58.+g (all)
  42. V.A. Atsarkin “Achievements and Current, Problems of Solid-State RadiospectroscopySov. Phys. Usp. 16 747–749 (1974)
    76.60.−k, 76.30.−v, 76.70.Dx (all)
  43. A.B. Roitsin “Electric effects in paramagnetic resonanceSov. Phys. Usp. 14 766–782 (1972)
    76.70.Dx, 76.30.−v, 75.80.+q (all)
  44. U.Kh. Kopvillem, V.N. Osipov et alAnalogs of Electron Spin Echo in Ferroelectrics and GlassesSov. Phys. Usp. 14 802–803 (1972)
    76.30.−v, 77.84.−s, 61.43.Fs (all)
  45. N.N. Ibragimov, G.M. Aliev et alCertain Results of Research on SeleniumSov. Phys. Usp. 12 792–793 (1970)
    01.10.Hx, 72.20.Fr, 72.80.−r, 76.30.−v (all)
  46. M.I. Kaganov, B.I. Kochilaev, V.G. Peschanskii “Twelfth All-union conference on low-temperature physicsSov. Phys. Usp. 9 627–631 (1967)
    01.30.Cc, 76.30.−v, 76.60.Es (all)
  47. V.S. Grechishkin, N.E. Ainbinder “Radiospectroscopy of organic semiconductorsSov. Phys. Usp. 10 237–255 (1967)
    71.35.−y, 76.30.−v, 76.60.−k (all)
  48. L.D. Bogomolova, V.N. Lazukin, I.V. Chepeleva “Electron paramagnetic resonance in silicon and germaniumSov. Phys. Usp. 7 508–548 (1965)
  49. S.A. Al’tshuler, B.I. Kochelaev, A.M. Leushin “Paramagnetic absorption of soundSov. Phys. Usp. 4 880–903 (1962)
    43.35.Xd, 76.30.−v (all)
  50. L.A. Blyumenfel’d, V.V. Voevodskii “Radio spectroscopy and contemporary theoretical chemistrySov. Phys. Usp. 2 365–376 (1959)
    78.70.Gq, 76.30.−v, 76.60.Cq, 76.60.Gv, 82.30.−b (all)
  51. A.V. Shchepetil’nikov, I.V. Kukushkin “Electron spin resonance in two-dimensional electron systemsPhys. Usp., accepted
  52. V.N. Glazkov “Magnetic resonance in low-temperature paramagnetsPhys. Usp., accepted
    76.30.−v, 76.50.+g, 75.10.Jm, 75.50.Ee (all)
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