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An EPR study of the density of states and effective coupling constant in La2CuO4 doped with Sr or Ba

 a,  b,  b,  b,  b,  c,  c
a A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. akad. Arbuzova 8, Kazan, 420083, Russian Federation
b E.K. Zavoiskii Kazan Physicotechnical Institute, Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sibirskii trakt 10/7, Kazan, 420029, Russian Federation
c Institute of Physics, Cologne University, Cologne, Germany
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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1996v039n02ABEH001500
PACS: 76.30.−v, 76.30.Lh (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1996v039n02ABEH001500
Citation: Kataev V E, Greznev Yu S, Rameev B Z, Kukovitskii E F, Teitel’baum G B, Breuer M, Knauf N "An EPR study of the density of states and effective coupling constant in La2CuO4 doped with Sr or Ba" Phys. Usp. 39 197–199 (1996)
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Оригинал: Катаев В Е, Грезнев Ю С, Рамеев Б З, Куковицкий Е Ф, Тейтельбаум Г Б, Бройер М, Кнауф Н «ЭПР-исследование поведения плотности состояний и эффективной константы связи в La2CuO4, допированном Sr или Ba» УФН 166 213–216 (1996); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0166.199602j.0213

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