





Reviews of topical problems

Elementary photographic processes in an electric field

1. Introduction 205
2. Modern Notions of the Electronic and Ionic Stages in the Process of Latent-linage Formation 206
3. Methods of Study of the Effect of an Electric Field on the Latent Image and the Print-Out Process 209
4. Ionic Conductivity of Silver Halide Crystals'and Ionic Processes in an Electric Field 211
5. Electron and Hole Conductivity of Silver Halide Crystals in Pulsed Electric Fields 215
6. The Sensitivity of a Photographic Emulsion in an Electric Field 221
7. Conclusions 223
References 224

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PACS: 72.80.−r, 82.70.Kj (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1961v004n02ABEH003332
Citation: Kartuzhanskii A L "Elementary photographic processes in an electric field" Sov. Phys. Usp. 4 205–225 (1961)
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Оригинал: Картужанский А Л «Элементарные фотографические процессы в электрическом поле» УФН 73 471–502 (1961); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0073.196103d.0471

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