PACS numbers

82.70.Kj Emulsions and suspensions
  1. A.N. Matveev, S.M. Zhebrovskii “Books on physics and astronomy to be published by ’Mir’ in 1990Sov. Phys. Usp. 32 473–478 (1989)
    01.30.Vv, 05.45.Df, 05.70.Ln, 64.70.−p, 82.70.Kj, 95.10.−a (all)
  2. A.R. Khokhlov “Physics of finely divided matterSov. Phys. Usp. 30 196–196 (1987)
    01.30.Vv, 82.70.Gg, 82.70.Kj, 47.56.+r (all)
  3. A.A. Vedenov, E.B. Levchenko “Supermolecular liquid-crystalline structures in solutions of amphiphilic moleculesSov. Phys. Usp. 26 747–774 (1983)
    82.70.Kj, 61.30.Eb, 64.70.Ew (all)
  4. V.N. Pokrovskii “Stresses, viscosity, and optical anisotropy of a Moving suspension of rigid ellipsoidsSov. Phys. Usp. 14 737–746 (1972)
    82.70.Kj, 66.20.+d,, 78.20.Ci (all)
  5. A.L. Kartuzhanskii “Elementary photographic processes in an electric fieldSov. Phys. Usp. 4 205–225 (1961)
    72.80.−r, 82.70.Kj (all)
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