





Reviews of topical problems

Latent optical anisotropy of cubic crystals containing local centers, and methods of its study

,  a
a Ioffe Institute, ul. Polytekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation

Introduction 79
1. Anisotropic Centers in Cubic Crystals 80
a. Types of Anisotropic Centers and Their Structures 80
b. Optical Properties of Anisotropic Centers 84
c. Latent Optical Anisotropy of Cubic Crystals Containing Anisotropic Centers and General Principles of Study 86
2. Photochemical Processes in Cubic Crystals Containing Anisotropic Centers 87
3. Polarized Luminescence of Cubic Crystals 93
4. Line Splitting in the Spectra of Cubic Crystals under Directional Elastic Deformation (Piezospectroscopic Effect) 96
5. Line Splitting in the Spectra of Cubic Crystals in External Magnetic and Electric Fields 97
a. The Zeeman Effect for Anisotropic Centers in Cubic Crystals. Paramagnetic Resonance of Anisotropic Centers in Cubic Crystals 97
b. The Effect of an Electric Field on the Spectra of Anisotropic Centers in Cubic Crystals 100
Bibliography 102

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1962v005n01ABEH003401
PACS: 78.55.−m, 78.20.−e, 76.30.Lh (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1962v005n01ABEH003401
Citation: Feofilov P P, Kaplyanskii A A "Latent optical anisotropy of cubic crystals containing local centers, and methods of its study" Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 79–103 (1962)
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Оригинал: Феофилов П П, Каплянский А А «Скрытая оптическая анизотропия кубических кристаллов, содержащих локальные центры, и методы ее исследования» УФН 76 201–238 (1962); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0076.196202a.0201

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