PACS numbers

84.30.Ng Oscillators, pulse generators, and function generators 84.70.+p High-current and high-voltage technology: power systems; power transmission lines and cables 85.70.−w Magnetic devices
  1. S.A. Nikitov, A.R. Safin et alDielectric magnonics: from gigahertz to terahertzPhys. Usp. 63 945–974 (2020)
    85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  2. A.P. Pyatakov, A.S. Sergeev et alMicromagnetism and topologic defects in magnetoelectric mediaPhys. Usp. 58 981–992 (2015)
    75.85.+t, 85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  3. S.A. Nikitov, D.V. Kalyabin et alMagnonics: a new research area in spintronics and spin wave electronicsPhys. Usp. 58 1002–1028 (2015)
    75.30.Ds, 85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  4. A.P. Pyatakov, A.K. Zvezdin “Magnetoelectric and multiferroic mediaPhys. Usp. 55 557–581 (2012)
    75.85.+t, 85.70.−w, 85.75.−d (all)
  5. Celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center — All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 6 October 2010)Phys. Usp. 54 387–427 (2011)
    01.10.Fv, 01.65.+g, 05.70.Ce, 07.35.+k, 07.55.Db, 28.52.−s, 28.70.+y, 42.55.−f, 42.62.−b, 47.20.−k, 47.27.wj, 47.40.−x, 52.57.−z, 61.05.C−, 64.30.−t, 74.25.−q, 84.30.Ng, 84.70.+p, 85.70.−w (all)
  6. B.E. Grinevich, V.A. Demidov et alExplosive magnetic generators and their application in scientific experimentsPhys. Usp. 54 403–408 (2011)
    84.30.Ng, 84.70.+p, 85.70.−w (all)
  7. G.A. Mesyats “Electron emission from ferroelectric plasma cathodesPhys. Usp. 51 79–100 (2008)
    52.80.−s, 84.70.+p, 85.45.−w (all)
  8. I.V. Grekhov, G.A. Mesyats “Nanosecond semiconductor diodes for pulsed power switchingPhys. Usp. 48 703–712 (2005)
    84.70.+p, 85.30.−z, 85.30.Kk (all)
  9. G.A. Mesyats, M.I. Yalandin “High-power picosecond electronicsPhys. Usp. 48 211–229 (2005)
    52.59.−f, 52.80.−s, 84.30.Jc, 84.40.−x, 84.70.+p (all)
  10. N.A. Chernoplekov “State of the art in applied high-current superconductivityPhys. Usp. 45 659–665 (2002)
    74.72.−h, 84.70.+p, 85.25.Kx (all)
  11. A.D. Sakharov, R.Z. Lyudaev et alMagnetic cumulationSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (5) 385–386 (1991)
    84.32.Ff, 41.20.Gz, 84.70.+p (all)
  12. A.D. Sakharov “Magnetoimplosive generatorsSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (5) 387–391 (1991)
    84.30.Jc, 84.30.Ng (all)
  13. G.S. Egorov, V.A. Myakishev, N.S. Stepanov “Some lecture domonstrations on the statistical properties of wave fieldsSov. Phys. Usp. 21 361–364 (1978)
    01.50.My, 06.70.Hs, 84.30.Ng, 84.30.Vn (all)
  14. D.E. Vakman, L.A. Vainshtein “Amplitude, phase, frequency—fundamental concepts of oscillation theorySov. Phys. Usp. 20 1002–1016 (1977)
    84.30.Ng, 84.30.Qi, 84.20.Es (all)
  15. V.L. Gurevich “A Solid-state Audio-frequency Oscillator-an Acoustic ’Laser’Sov. Phys. Usp. 14 535–536 (1972)
    43.38.−p, 84.30.Ng (all)
  16. A.D. Sakharov “MAGNETOIMPLOSIVE GENERATORSSov. Phys. Usp. 9 294–299 (1966)
    84.30.Jc, 84.30.Ng (all)
  17. N.N. Malov, A.N. Kozlova “New demonstrations in physicsSov. Phys. Usp. 7 884–887 (1965)
    01.50.My, 84.40.Ua, 84.70.+p, 42.79.Ci (all)
  18. V.I. Tikhonov “Effect of fluctuations on the operating accuracy of synchronization equipmentSov. Phys. Usp. 7 574–591 (1965)
    84.30.Ng, 84.40.Ua (all)
  19. L.N. Kaptsov “Four lecture demonstrations for courses on the theory of oscillations and radio engineeringSov. Phys. Usp. 6 933–938 (1964)
    84.30.Ng, 05.45.Xt, 84.40.Ua (all)
  20. K.F. Kudu “A high-frequency demonstration indicator of radiationSov. Phys. Usp. 7 331–331 (1964)
    52.80.Pi, 84.30.Ng, 01.50.My (all)
  21. P.L. Kapitza “High power electronicsSov. Phys. Usp. 5 777–826 (1963)
    84.40.Fe, 84.70.+p (all)
  22. L.A. Sliv, E.P. Mazets “LEV IL’ICH RUSINOVSov. Phys. Usp. 4 149–152 (1961)
    01.60.+q, 84.70.+p, 25.40.−h, 21.10.−k, 21.60.Cs (all)
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