T. Hashizume

Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
Address: Hatoyama, Saitama, Japan


  1. R.Z. Bakhtizin, T. Hashizume, Q.-K. Xue, T. Sakurai “Atomic structures on a GaAs(001) surface grown by molecular beam epitaxyPhys. Usp. 40 1175–1187 (1997)
  2. R.Z. Bakhtizin, T. Hashizume, Sh. Wang, T. Sakurai “Scanning tunneling microscopy of fullerenes on metal and semiconductor surfacesPhys. Usp. 40 275–290 (1997)

See also: R.Z. Bakhtizin, T. Sakurai, Q.-K. Xue, Sh. Wang

PACS: 61.14.Hg, 61.16.Di, 68.55.Bd, 68.35.Bs, 61.16.Ch, 61.46.+w, 68.65.+g

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