





Reviews of topical problems

Gravitational wave astronomy: in anticipation of first sources to be detected

 a,  b,  b,  a,  c
a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Shternberg State Astronomical Institute, Universitetskii prosp. 13, Moscow, 119889, Russian Federation
b Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Leninskie Gory 1 build. 2, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
c Cardiff University, PO Box 913, Cardiff, CF2 3YB, United Kingdom

The first generation of long-baseline laser interferometric detectors of gravitational waves will start collecting data in 2001—2003. We carefully analyse their planned performance and compare it with the expected strengths of astrophysical sources. The scientific importance of the anticipated discovery of various gravitational wave signals and the reliability of theoretical predictions are taken into account in our analysis. We try to be conservative in evaluating both the theoretical uncertainties in the parameters of the source and the prospects of its detection. Upon considering many possible sources, we place our emphasis on (i) inspiraling binaries consisting of stellar mass black holes and (ii) relic gravitational waves. We conclude that inspiraling binary black holes are likely to be detected by the early ground-based interferometers first. We estimate that the first interferometers will see 2–3 events per year from black hole binaries with component masses of 10—15M, with a signal-to-noise ratio of about 3, in a network of detectors consisting of GEO, VIRGO and two LIGOs. It appears that other possible sources, including coalescing neutron stars, are unlikely to be detected by the early instruments. We also argue that relic gravitational waves may be discovered by space-based interferometers in the frequency interval 2 × 10-3 —10-2 Hz, at a signal-to-noise ratio level of about 3.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2001v044n01ABEH000873
PACS: 04.30.−w, 04.80.Nn, 95.55.Ym, 95.85.Sz (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU2001v044n01ABEH000873
Citation: Grishchuk L P, Lipunov V M, Postnov K A, Prokhorov M E, Sathyaprakash B S "Gravitational wave astronomy: in anticipation of first sources to be detected" Phys. Usp. 44 1–51 (2001)
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Оригинал: Грищук Л П, Липунов В М, Постнов К А, Прохоров М Е, Сатьяпракаш Б С «Гравитационно-волновая астрономия: в ожидании первого зарегистрированного источника» УФН 171 3–59 (2001); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0171.200101a.0003

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