The outlook for the development of radiation sources in the middle-IR range based on the intraband transitions between the energy levels of charge carriers in injection laser heterostructures with quantum dots and wells
L.E. Vorob’eva,
D.A. Firsova,
V.A. Shalygina,
V.N. Tulupenkob,
N.N. Ledentsovc,d,e,
P.S. Kop’evc,
V.M. Ustinovc,
Yu.M. Shernyakovc,
Zh.I. Alferovc aDepartment of Radiophysics, St. Petersburg State Technical University, ul. Politekhnicheskaya 29, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation bDonbass State Machinery Academy, Shkadinova str. 76, Kramatorsk, 343913, Ukraine cIoffe Institute, ul. Polytekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation dAcademic University, Khlopina str. 8, korp. 3, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation eVertically Integrated Systems (VI Systems GmbH), Hardenbergstr 7, Berlin, 10623, Germany
PACS:01.10.Fv DOI:10.1070/PU1999v042n04ABEH000453 URL: 000080487700007 Citation: Vorob’ev L E, Firsov D A, Shalygin V A, Tulupenko V N, Ledentsov N N, Kop’ev P S, Ustinov V M, Shernyakov Yu M, Alferov Zh I "The outlook for the development of radiation sources in the middle-IR range based on the intraband transitions between the energy levels of charge carriers in injection laser heterostructures with quantum dots and wells" Phys. Usp.42 391–396 (1999)
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