





New instruments and measurement methods

Polarization phenomena in x-ray optics

This review is devoted to polarization phenomena observed in the x-ray range. It is noted that x-ray polarization effects are due to two physical factors, namely, the diffraction of x-rays and the anisotropy of the x-ray susceptibility of atoms in crystals. Diffraction-induced birefringence, dichroism, and change in polarization state are very dependent on the degree of imperfection of the crystal. Effects associated with the anisotropy of x-ray susceptibility, which have not been adequately investigated so far, are discussed in some detail. The anisotropy can lead to a qualitatively new effect, namely, the appearance of additional reflections with unusual polarization properties that provide information about crystal structure and chemical bonding. Magnetic scattering of synchrotron x-rays has become a powerful tool for the investigation of magnetic ordering in crystals. Practical applications discussed in this review include different modern x-ray polarizers, analyzers, and quarter-wave plates for obtaining and analyzing circular polarizations.

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1989v032n08ABEH002748
Citation: Belyakov V A, Dmitrienko V E "Polarization phenomena in x-ray optics" Sov. Phys. Usp. 32 697–719 (1989)
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Оригинал: Беляков В А, Дмитриенко В Е «Поляризационные явления в рентгеновской оптике» УФН 158 679–721 (1989); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0158.198908e.0679

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