





Reviews of topical problems

High power electronics

Introduction 777
Problems of High-power Electronics 778
I. Solution of the Fundamental Equation of Motion of Charged Particles by the Time- Averaging Method 780
II. Motion of Electrons in a Planotron 784
III. Principal Characteristics of the Planotron 788
IV. Anode and Cathode Losses in the Planotron, 794
V. Edge Effect and Associated Losses 798
VI. Theory of the Magnetron 804
VII. Experimental Investigation of the Electronic Processes in the Planotron 811
VIII. Larmor Orbit in High-frequency Field 817
IX. Prospects of High-power Electronics 822

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1963v005n05ABEH003455
Citation: Kapitza P L "High power electronics" Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 777–826 (1963)
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Оригинал: Капица П Л «Электроника больших мощностей» УФН 78 181–265 (1962); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0078.196210a.0181

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