PACS numbers

96.60.Iv Magnetic reconnection 96.60.Mz Photosphere 96.60.qd Sun spots, solar cycles 96.60.qe Flares
  1. P.A. Gritsyk, B.V. Somov “Modern analytic models of acceleration and propagation of electrons in solar flaresPhys. Usp. 66 437–459 (2023)
    96.60.−j, 96.60.Iv, 96.60.qe, 96.60.Tf (all)
  2. S.A. Bogachev, A.S. Ulyanov et alMicroflares and nanoflares in the solar coronPhys. Usp. 63 783–800 (2020)
    95.55.Ka, 96.60.−j, 96.60.Q−, 96.60.qe (all)
  3. A.L. Lysenko, D.D. Frederiks et alX-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flaresPhys. Usp. 63 818–832 (2020)
    95.55.Ka, 96.60.−j, 96.60.qe (all)
  4. B.V. Somov “Magnetic reconnection in solar flaresPhys. Usp. 53 954–958 (2010)
    52.30.Cv, 52.35.Vd, 96.60.qe (all)
  5. M.I. Pudovkin, O.M. Raspopov “Physical mechanism of the action of solar activity and other geophysical factors on the state of the lower atmosphere, meteorological parameters, and climatePhys. Usp. 36 (7) 644–647 (1993)
    96.60.qe, 96.60.Vg, 92.60.Ry, 94.30.Lr (all)
  6. A.S. Gadun, V.N. Karpinskii “Problems of the structuration of the sun and starsPhys. Usp. 36 (6) 542–544 (1993)
    97.10.Cv, 96.60.Vg, 96.60.Mz, 97.10.Ri (all)
  7. R.A. Gulyaev “Erratum: Outer Solar corona as an optical manifestation of a heliospheric current layer [Sov. Phys. Usp. 35, 1083-1085 (December 1992)]Phys. Usp. 36 (5) 454–454 (1993), 96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.50.Bh (all)
  8. R.A. Gulyaev “Outer solar corona as an optical manifestation of the heliospheric current sheetSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (12) 1083–1085 (1992), 96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.50.Bh (all)
  9. V.A. Dogel’ “Differential rotation and stellar convectionSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (5) 392–392 (1990)
    96.60.Bn, 96.60.qd, 47.27.−i, 95.30.Lz (all)
  10. V.G. Ryasnyĭ “Supernova shellsSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (5) 393–395 (1990)
    97.60.Bw, 96.10.+i, 97.60.Gb, 97.60.Jd, 96.60.qe (all)
  11. G.S. Ivanov-Kholodnyi “Problems of solar-terrestrial physics and research on the ionosphereSov. Phys. Usp. 31 477–478 (1988)
    96.60.qe, 96.60.Ub, 96.60.Vg, 94.20.wq, 90.00.-x (all)
  12. S.I. Gopasyuk “Dynamics of the magnetic field, electric currents, and flares in active regions on the sunSov. Phys. Usp. 28 269–270 (1985)
    01.30.Cc, 96.60.qe, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.qd, 96.60.Mz (all)
  13. I.A. Zhitnik, S.L. Mandel’shtam et alNew observational data on x-ray flares and active regions on the sunSov. Phys. Usp. 28 270–271 (1985)
    96.60.qe, 96.60.Tf (all)
  14. B.V. Somov “New theoretical models of solar flaresSov. Phys. Usp. 28 271–272 (1985)
    96.60.qe, 96.60.Iv, 96.60.Mz, 96.60.qd (all)
  15. K.G. Ivanov “Structure of the Typical Nonstationary Stream of Interplanetary Plasma from Direct MeasurementsSov. Phys. Usp. 17 807–809 (1975)
    96.50.Ci, 96.50.Qx, 96.50.Fm, 96.50.Tf, 96.50.Ek, 96.60.qe (all)
  16. V.A. Krat “New Data for Solar Physics from Observations in the StratosphereSov. Phys. Usp. 17 599–599 (1975)
    96.60.Na, 96.60.Fs, 96.60.qd, 96.60.Mz (all)
  17. A.D. Sytinskii “Relation between Seismic Activity of the Earth and Solar Activity.Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 740–741 (1974)
    91.30.Px, 96.60.qd, 92.60.−e, 91.10.Nj, 91.10.Kg, 90.00.-x (all)
  18. M.M. Kobrin, A.I. Korshunov, V.V. Pakhomov “Quasiperiodic Components in the Fluctuations of the Solar Radio-frequency RadiationSov. Phys. Usp. 16 287–288 (1973)
    96.60.Tf, 95.55.Jz, 95.55.Ev, 96.60.qe, 96.60.Vg (all)
  19. V.A. Krat “First Results from the Third Flight of the Soviet Solar Stratospheric ObservatorySov. Phys. Usp. 14 804–804 (1972)
    96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.qd, 95.55.Ev, 95.55.Qf (all)
  20. V.N. Kuril’chik “Relativistic Electrons in Extragalactic Radio SourcesSov. Phys. Usp. 14 804–805 (1972)
    01.10.Fv, 96.60.qd, 96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.Na (all)
  21. S.I. Syrovatskii “Current Sheets in Cosmic and Laboratory PlasmasSov. Phys. Usp. 14 533–534 (1972)
    94.30.Kq, 94.30.cq, 94.30.Va, 96.60.qe (all)
  22. S.L. Mandel’shtam “Polarization of the Emission of X-ray Flares on the Sun and their SpectraSov. Phys. Usp. 15 351–352 (1972)
    96.60.qd, 96.60.qe, 96.60.Tf (all)
  23. A.B. Severnyi “Certain New Results of Measurements of the Total Magnetic Field of the Sun and of the StarsSov. Phys. Usp. 13 663–663 (1971)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.qd, 97.10.Ld, 97.20.Pm, 95.55.Ev, 95.55.Qf (all)
  24. A.A. Mikhailov “Motion of the Earth’s PolesSov. Phys. Usp. 13 663–664 (1971)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.qd, 97.10.Ld, 97.20.Pm, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Kc, 95.55.Fw, 95.55.Qf (all)
  25. M.N. Gnevyshev “The eleven year cycle of solar activitySov. Phys. Usp. 9 752–758 (1967)
    96.60.qd, 96.60.P− (all)
  26. S.B. Pikel’ner “Dynamics of the solar atmosphereSov. Phys. Usp. 9 236–250 (1966)
    96.60.Ly, 96.60.qd, 96.60.Na, 97.10.Ex, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.Hv (all)
  27. A.B. Severnyi “Magnetic fields of the Sun and starsSov. Phys. Usp. 9 1–30 (1966)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.qd, 97.10.Ld, 97.10.Tk (all)
  28. A.N. Charakhch’yan “Investigation of stratosphere cosmic ray intensity fluctuations induced by processes on the SunSov. Phys. Usp. 7 358–374 (1964)
    92.60.hd, 96.50.sf, 96.60.qe (all)
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