PACS numbers

52.50.Jm Plasma production and heating by laser beams (laser-foil, laser-cluster, etc.)
  1. I.I. Metelskii, V.F. Kovalev, V.Yu. Bychenkov “Relativistic-nonlinear resonant absorption and generation of harmonics of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasmaPhys. Usp. 67 429–463 (2024)
    42.65.Ky, 52.25.Os, 52.30.−q, 52.35.−g, 52.35.Fp, 52.35.Hr, 52.38.−r, 52.40.Db, 52.50.Jm, 52.57.−z (all)
  2. V.Yu. Bychenkov, A.V. Brantov et alLaser acceleration of ions: recent results and prospects for applicationsPhys. Usp. 58 71–81 (2015)
    52.38.Kd, 52.50.Jm, 52.65.Rr, 87.57.uh (all)
  3. R.A. Ganeev “High order harmonics generation in laser surface ablation: current trendsPhys. Usp. 56 772–800 (2013)
    42.65.Ky, 42.79.Nv, 52.50.Jm (all)
  4. Modern problems in the physical sciences (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 23 November 2011)Phys. Usp. 55 721–738 (2012)
    01.10.Fv, 02.70.−c, 05.10.−a, 05.50.+q, 14.60.St, 23.40.−s, 31.10.+z, 42.55.Lt, 42.60.Lh, 52.50.Jm (all)
  5. A.A. Ionin “High-power IR- and UV-laser systems and their applicationsPhys. Usp. 55 721–728 (2012)
    42.55.Lt, 42.60.Lh, 52.50.Jm (all)
  6. M.T. Zharaspaev, D.S. Kim, R.E. Zhumagulova “A facility for the out-of-pile heating of nuclear fuel samples to above 2000 °CPhys. Usp. 55 603–606 (2012)
    28.41.Bm, 52.50.Jm, (all)
  7. A.V. Andriyash, P.A. Loboda et alLasers and high energy density physics at the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF)Phys. Usp. 49 1084–1092 (2006)
    01.10.Fv, 42.62.−b, 52.38.−r, 52.50.Jm (all)
  8. B.M. Smirnov “Generation of cluster beamsPhys. Usp. 46 589–628 (2003)
    36.40.Sx, 36.40.Wa, 52.50.Jm, 61.46.+w (all)
  9. V.T. Tikhonchuk “Present state of research into the interaction between powerful laser radiation and high-temperature plasmasSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (10) 903–909 (1991)
    52.38.Dx, 52.38.Bv, 52.38.Hb, 52.50.Jm (all)
  10. S.I. Anisimov, A.M. Prokhorov, V.E. Fortov “Application of high-power lasers to study matter at ultrahigh pressuresSov. Phys. Usp. 27 181–205 (1984)
    52.50.Jm, 52.35.Tc, 52.35.Py, 52.70.−m (all)
  11. A.M. Prokhorov, S.I. Anisimov, P.P. Pashinin “Laser thermonuclear fusionSov. Phys. Usp. 19 547–560 (1976)
    28.50.Re, 52.50.Jm, 42.60.Qm
  12. V.A. Bushuev, R.N. Kuz’min “X-ray lasersSov. Phys. Usp. 17 942–949 (1975)
    42.55.Vc, 42.60.Jf, 52.50.Jm (all)
  13. F.V. Bunkin, A.E. Kazakov, M.V. Fedorov “Errata to the article by F. V. Bunkin et al., ’Interaction of Intense Optical Radiation with Free Electrons (Nonrelativistic Case),’ Vol. 15, No. 4, p. 416.Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 585–585 (1974)
    52.50.Jm, 52.25.Os (all)
  14. F.V. Bunkin, A.E. Kazakov, M.V. Fedorov “Interaction of intense optical radiation with free electrons (nonrelativistic case)Sov. Phys. Usp. 15 416–435 (1973)
    52.50.Jm, 52.25.Os (all)
  15. A.I. Isakov, O.N. Krokhin et alNikolai Gennadievich Basov (on his fiftieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 165–166 (1973)
    42.50.Gy, 42.50.Ct, 52.50.Jm, 42.55.Px, 42.55.Ks (all)
  16. O.N. Krokhin “Use of Lasers for Plasma HeatingSov. Phys. Usp. 14 362–362 (1971)
    52.50.Jm, 52.57.−z, 42.60.Lh (all)
  17. F. Gerasimov, Yu.M. Kagan et alSERGEĬ ÉDUARDOVICH FRISH (on his 70th Birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 12 438–439 (1969)
    01.60.+q, 07.60.−j, 42.50.−p, 52.50.Jm, 51.70.+f, 32.30.−r (all)
  18. Yu.P. Raizer “Breakdown and heating of gases under the influence of a laser beamSov. Phys. Usp. 8 650–673 (1966)
    51.50.+v, 52.50.Jm, 52.80.Mg (all)
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