Mass of the Higgs boson
1 February 2007
The quest for theHiggs boson is presently the hottest problem
in high-energy experimental physics. The existence of this
particle is predicted by the Standard Model of particle
physics, which has been successfully verified in a plethora of
experiments. Theoretically, the expected Higgs boson mass
depends on the masses of previously discovered particles,
because it is precisely the interaction with the Higgs field that
imparts mass to the particles. Physicists at the Collider
Detector at Fermilab near Chicago, US announced, based
on experiments performed in the laboratory, an improved
value of the W boson mass 80.413GeV, which allowed
lowering the theoretical upper limit for the Higgs boson mass
to 153GeV, down from the previous limit of 166 GeV.
According to experimental data, the lower limit for the
predicted mass is 114GeV. Researchers had believed that
the Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva, due to
start later in 2007, was the firm favorite to find the Higgs
boson. However, with the lower upper mass limit, the Higgs
boson is now well within the range of the Tevatron collider
running at Fermilab. If the Higgs boson is not found in the
114-153GeV mass range, physicists will be forced to look
beyond the Standard Model of particle physics to account for
new effects and to explain the negative result.
Source: Nature 445 239 (2007)
Gravitation on small scales
1 February 2007
A new experiment aimed at measuring the gravitational force
at separations between attractive bodies ranging from 55mm
to 9.53mm was conducted at the Center for Experimental
Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, University of Washington, Seattle.
Investigations were made of the oscillations of a
torsion pendulum comprising two attractive disks. Holes
arrayed in circles were machined into the disks to play the
part of `missing masses'. When the upper disk was rotated, the
mutual displacement of these masses gave rise to variations in
the force of attraction, which was measured in the experiment.
The apparatus was carefully calibrated and insulated
from external electromagnetic action. To within the
experimental error, no departures from the Newton law of
gravitation were observed in the investigated range of length
scales. Assuming that the correction to the gravitational
potential is of the form of the Yukawa potential, it is possible to obtain
combined constraints on parameters. These constraints improve
the pre-existing experimental ones by about two orders of
magnitude. In 2004, R.Sundrum came up with an interesting
theory wherein there exists a characteristic gravitational
length 85mm related to the dark-energy
density filling the Universe. According to this theory, the
force of gravity is weakened at smaller length scales. Other
theories predict both a weakening and strengthening of the
force of gravity in comparison with the Newton formula due
to the existence of extra spatio-temporal dimensions on a
microscopic scale. The experiment, in particular, includes the
domain of the hypothetical characteristic length 85 mm.
Therefore, if extra measurements or some characteristic
gravitational length do exist, their length scale should be
shorter than 55mm.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 021101 (2007)
Quantum Zeno effect
1 February 2007
The quantum Zeno effect consists in the fact that observing a
system lowers the rate of quantum transitions (for instance,
decays) in this system. E.W.Streed, W.Ketterle and their
colleagues at MIT, Massachusetts, US carried out an
experiment to investigate the quantum Zeno effect using a
Bose-Einstein condensate of magnetically trapped 87Rb
atoms. They studied the transitions between two ground
hyperfine states of these atoms. Two regimes were investigated:
when the condensate was continuously observed by
way of resonance light scattering and when the condensate
was periodically irradiated by short light pulses. After
completing the experiments, measurements were made of the
number of atoms in the energy levels. The experimental data
agree well with quantum-mechanical calculations. The
quantum Zeno effect had also been observed in several
earlier experiments, but the employment of the Bose-Einstein
condensate in the new experiment enabled reaching
a record strong suppression in the transition rate - by about a
factor of 30.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 260402 (2006)
Light speed anisotropy
1 February 2007
In European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble,
France), a group of researchers from Armenia, France,
Italy, and Russia carried out an experiment in search for a
possible light speed anisotropy with respect to the preferential
frame of reference related to the Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB). An investigation was made of the Compton
edge in the scattering of laser light from a 6-GeV accelerator
electron beam. While no anisotropy had been observed in
similar previous experiments, the new measurement yielded
variations up to 10s larger than the statistical errors. Also
noted were diurnal variations in the signal, which were
supposedly due to terrestrial rotation and, accordingly, to
the variation of facility orientation with respect to the
direction of terrestrial motion relative to the CMB radiation
(to the axis of observed dipole radiation distribution). Such
an effect may arise from the existence of hypothetical vector
fields in space, which possess a specific direction. No
systematic errors have so far been revealed in the experiment
conducted, but the new result invites further independent
Source: astro-ph/0701127
Stellar pulsar
1 February 2007
Observations using the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer
Network (MERLIN) have shown that the radio
emission of the CU Virginis star is strikingly similar to pulsar
radiation, although this star is not a neutron star, unlike other
pulsars. CU Vir is an ordinary magnetic chemically peculiar
gas star at 80pc from the Earth. Its magnetic axis is offset
from the rotation axis of the star, and therefore the radio
wave beam radiated along the rotation axis periodically (with
a period of 12.5h) illuminates the Earth to produce a
pulsating signal. Also noted was a lengthening of the
pulsation period - the stellar rotation period, which may be
due to structural changes in the outer stellar shells. It is
assumed that the rf emission mechanism of the CU Vir star is
in some peculiarities similar to the emission mechanism of
neutron stars, although the physical conditions in these
objects are substantially different.
Source: astro-ph/0701214
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.