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- D.N. Klyshko, A.V. Masalov “Photon noise: observation, squeezing, interpretation” Phys. Usp. 38 1203–1230 (1995)
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- A.V. Belinskii, D.N. Klyshko “Interference of light and Bell’s theorem” Phys. Usp. 36 (8) 653–693 (1993)
- D.N. Klyshko “The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox for energy-time variables” Sov. Phys. Usp. 32 555–563 (1989)
- D.N. Klyshko “A simple method of preparing pure states of an optical field, of implementing the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment, and of demonstrating the complementarity principle” Sov. Phys. Usp. 31 74–85 (1988)
- D.N. Klyshko, A.N. Penin “The prospects of quantum photometry” Sov. Phys. Usp. 30 716–723 (1987)
- D.N. Klyshko, A.N. Penin “Quantum photometry using parametric scattering of light” Sov. Phys. Usp. 28 92–93 (1985)
See also:
V.L. Ginzburg,
A.V. Belinskii,
A.N. Penin,
G.B. Malykin,
L.B. Okun,
V.D. Shafranov,
V.A. Rubakov,
G.A. Goncharov,
G.R. Ivanitskii,
B.M. Smirnov,
Yu.V. Gulyaev,
V.I. Ritus,
M.A. El’yashevich,
L.P. Pitaevskii,
I.M. Dremin
PACS: 03.65.Bz, 07.60.Dq, 01.65.+g, 42.50.Dv, 42.50.-p, 85.60.Gz, 03.65.Ud, 01.10.hx, 42.50.Md, 77.22.Ch, 77.84.-s, 85.60.Ha, 06.20.fb, 42.79.Pw, 03.65.Vf