PACS numbers

06.20.fb Standards and calibration
  1. D.N. Klyshko, A.N. Penin “The prospects of quantum photometrySov. Phys. Usp. 30 716–723 (1987)
    07.60.Dq, 06.20.fb, 85.60.Gz, 85.60.Ha (all)
  2. N.G. Basov, V.S. Letokhov “Optical frequency standardsSov. Phys. Usp. 11 855–880 (1969)
    06.30.Ft, 06.20.fb (all)
  3. N.G. Basov, O.N. Krokhin et alPossible investigation of relativistic effects with the aid of molecular and atomic frequency standardsSov. Phys. Usp. 4 641–673 (1962)
    06.20.fb, 06.30.Ft, 03.30.+p, 04.20.−q (all)
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