Track detectors, contributing to the understanding of the structure and properties of matter, are widely used in fundamental and applied research using modern accelerators, in studying the nature of particles of cosmic origin, and for muography. The advantage of the technique is the visibility of the results and the possibility of reconstructing trajectories, interaction vertices, and particle decay points with an accuracy of several microns. Specific features of various experiments, requiring original solutions in their design, data processing, and interpretation, have brought about the multidisciplinary development of the subject. In addition to the tasks of experimental physics, the evolution of the track technique is determined by the problems of innovative technologies and the creation of new materials. These trends can be traced in the work of the Laboratory of Elementary Particles of the Lebedev Physical Institute, which has been using track detectors of various types in its experiments for many decades. The review presents the ideas and results of world-class experimental and modeling studies conducted previously and currently being conducted with the participation of laboratory researchers, as well as those planned for the near future.