A modification of the of high-speed high-resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy (Quick Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, QEXAFS) method based on an adaptive bending element of X-ray optics is described. This technique was implemented at the Langmuir station of the Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source (KISI-Kurchatov). The absorption spectrum of a model sample, bromine in a sodium bromide compound, was recorded. A recording speed up to 5 seconds per spectrum was achieved in the continuously recording regime. The method is applicable for obtaining information about both the structure and dynamics of a wide range of objects, ordered and disordered, in any aggregate state.
Keywords: time-resolved research methods, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, QEXAFS PACS: 07.85.Ne, 07.85.Qe, 61.05.cj (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2020.06.038779 URL: https://ufn.ru/en/articles/2021/1/e/ 000632470400004 2-s2.0-85104175109 2021PhyU...64...83P Citation: Protsenko A I, Blagov A E, Pisarevskii Yu V, Rogachev A V, Targonsky A V, Trigub A L, Eliovich I A, Yakunin S N, Kovalchuk M V "QEXAFS method implementation using adaptive X-ray optical elements" Phys. Usp.64 83–87 (2021)