Cover Contents ![]() Announcement “Forum "Uspekhi-2021"” Phys. Usp. 64 1–2 (2021) Reviews of topical problems
V.M. Pudalov “Measurements of the magnetic properties of conduction electrons” Phys. Usp. 64 3–27 (2021)
Physics of our days A.M. Kamchatnov “Gurevich—Pitaevskii problem and its development” Phys. Usp. 64 48–82 (2021) Instruments and methods of investigation A.I. Protsenko, A.E. Blagov, Yu.V. Pisarevskii, A.V. Rogachev, A.V. Targonsky, A.L. Trigub, I.A. Eliovich, S.N. Yakunin, M.V. Kovalchuk “QEXAFS method implementation using adaptive X-ray optical elements” Phys. Usp. 64 83–87 (2021) Methodological notes A.S. Trushechkin, E.O. Kiktenko, D.A. Kronberg, A.K. Fedorov “Security of the decoy state method for quantum key distribution” Phys. Usp. 64 88–102 (2021) Personalia V.E. Zakharov, L.M. Zelenyi, R.I. Il’kaev, G.A. Mesyats, L.P. Pitaevskii, V.A. Rubakov, O.V. Rudenko, G.N. Rykovanov, A.M. Sergeev, Yu.S. Solomonov, B.Yu. Sharkov, I.A. Shcherbakov “In memory of Vladimir Evgen'evich Fortov” Phys. Usp. 64 103–105 (2021) Physics news on the internet Yu.N. Eroshenko “Physics news on the Internet (based on electronic preprints)” Phys. Usp. 64 106–107 (2021) |