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Symmetry of quantum intramolecular dynamics

Federal Research Center A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Ulyanova 46, Nizhny Novgorod, 603000, Russian Federation

The paper reviews the current progress in describing quantum intramolecular dynamics using merely symmetry principles as a basis. This closed qualitative approach is of particular interest because it is the only method currently available for a broad class of topical problems in the internal dynamics of molecules. Moreover, a molecule makes a physical system whose collective internal motions are geometrically structured, so that its description by perturbation methods requires a symmetry analysis of this structure. The nature of the geometrical symmetry groups crucial for the closed formulation of the qualitative approach is discussed. In particular, the point group of a molecule is of this type.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2002v045n07ABEH000999
PACS: 03.65.Fd, 31.15.Hz, 33.15.Bh (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU2002v045n07ABEH000999
Citation: Burenin A V "Symmetry of quantum intramolecular dynamics" Phys. Usp. 45 753–776 (2002)
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Оригинал: Буренин А В «Симметрия квантовой внутримолекулярной динамики» УФН 172 813–836 (2002); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0172.200207e.0813

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