





Reviews of topical problems

Statistical physics of the solvated electron

Department of Quantum-Chemical Systems, Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russian Federation

Statistical models of an electron solvated in a classical liquid are reviewed. The analogy between the behaviour of a quantum particle and a polymer chain results in that statistical physics methods can be applied to the solvated electron problem. We have derived basic relations for thermodynamic and structural characteristics of the solvated electron. The free energy of the solvated electron and the effective electron-solvent potential as well as the electron-solvent correlation function are studied in detail. The calculated results are compared with experimental data and a quantum molecular dynamics simulation for simple, polar, and Coulomb liquids. We also outline many-particle quantum effects, such as electron-electron interactions and dielectron (bipolaron) formation. The potentialities and restrictions of the statistical method are also discussed.

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PACS: 05.90.+m, 71.38.+i, 71.23.An (all)
DOI: 10.1070/pu1999v042n02ABEH000520
Citation: Chuev G N "Statistical physics of the solvated electron" Phys. Usp. 42 149 (1999)
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Оригинал: Чуев Г Н «Статистическая физика сольватированного электрона» УФН 169 155–170 (1999); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0169.199902b.0155

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