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Interaction between particles adsorbed on metal surfaces

Theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction between atoms and molecules chemisorbed on the surface of a metal are described. The basic interaction mechanisms are studied theoretically: 1) direct--owing to the direct exchange of electrons between adatoms; 2) indirect--owing to the exchange of electrons through the conduction band of the metal substrate; and, 3) electrostatic--owing to the exchange of photons and surface plasmons between charged adatoms. Experimental studies performed with a field-ion microscope and by the LEED technique are described in detail. The two-dimensional adatom structures observed on the channeled faces of transition metals enable studying the interaction at record large distances (up to 25 $\mathring{\mathrm{A}}$). The following are studied briefly: the interaction of adatoms on a semiconductor surface, interaction-induced restructuring in an adsorbed atomic film, reconstruction of clean metal and semiconductor surfaces, and other manifestations of interaction in adsorption systems.

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PACS: 68.43.−h, 68.35.Bs, 61.14.Hg (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1989v032n04ABEH002700
Citation: Braun O M, Medvedev V K "Interaction between particles adsorbed on metal surfaces" Sov. Phys. Usp. 32 328–348 (1989)
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Оригинал: Браун О М, Медведев В К «Взаимодействие между частицами, адсорбированными на поверхности металлов» УФН 157 631–666 (1989); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0157.198904c.0631

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