





Reviews of topical problems

Surface energy and surface processes in solids

I. Introduction 129
II. Methods for Determining the Surface Energies of Solids 130
III. The "Natural Roughness" of the Surfaces of Crystals 136
IV. Change of Surface Profile in Single Crystals and Polycrystalline Materials 139
V. The Development of Intergrain Thermal-etching Grooves 147
VI. Liquid Films on Surfaces of Crystalline Materials 151
VII. Conclusion 153
Literature Cited 153

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1962v005n01ABEH003403
Citation: Geguzin Ya E, Ovcharenko N N "Surface energy and surface processes in solids" Sov. Phys. Usp. 5 129–157 (1962)
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Оригинал: Гегузин Я Е, Овчаренко Н Н «Поверхностная энергия и процессы на поверхности твердых тел» УФН 76 283–328 (1962); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0076.196202c.0283

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