





Reviews of topical problems

The spiral growth of crystals

I. Crystal Surfaces in Equilibrium with the Surrounding Medium 117
The Surface Energy of Crystals 117
1. Kinks in Elementary Steps 117
2. Crystal Surface Energy. Herring's Formula 118
3. Corner Points in the Profiles of Crystal Surfaces 119
4. Surface Stability Conditions 120
5. The Equilibrium Shape of an Open Curve 121
II. Crystal Growth from Vapor 122
6. Particles Adsorbed on a Surface 123
7. The Motion of an Isolated Step 123
8. Parallel Sequences of Elementary Steps 124
9. The Normal Rate of Spiral Growth 124
10. The Motion of Macroscopic Steps 126
11. Some Experimental Results 128
12. Evaporation 129
III. Crystal Growth from the Solution and from the Melt 129
13. Introduction 129
14. The Motion of a Parallel Sequence of Elementary Steps 130
15. The Normal Growth Rate 131
16. Some Experimental Results 131
17. Growth from the Melt 132
18. The Diffusion Field and Rate of Advance of a Macroscopic Step 133
IV. The Interaction of Growing Crystals with Impurities 134
19. The Influence of Impurities on the Growth Rate 134
a) Strongly Adsorbed Impurities Captured by a Growing Crystal 135
b). Impurity Poisoning of Sinks 135
20. Nonequilibrium Capture of Impurities in Crystal Growth 137
21. Dislocation Production in Impurity Capture 139
V. Etching 139
VI. Collective Effects in the Movement of Steps 140
22. "Shock Waves" of Step Density 141
23. A Kinetic Equation for Steps 143
References 145

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1961v004n01ABEH003328
Citation: Chernov A A "The spiral growth of crystals" Sov. Phys. Usp. 4 116–148 (1961)
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Оригинал: Чернов А А «Слоисто-спиральный рост кристаллов» УФН 73 277–331 (1961); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0073.196102c.0277

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