





Из истории физики

Игорь Евгеньевич Тамм

Физический институт им. П.Н. Лебедева РАН, Ленинский проспект 53, Москва, 119991, Российская Федерация
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English fulltext is available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1995v038n07ABEH001481
PACS: 01.60.+q
DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0165.199507f.0811
URL: https://ufn.ru/ru/articles/1995/7/f/
Цитата: Фейнберг Е Л "Игорь Евгеньевич Тамм" УФН 165 811–828 (1995)
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English citation: Feinberg E L “Igor’ Evgen’evich TammPhys. Usp. 38 773–789 (1995); DOI: 10.1070/PU1995v038n07ABEH001481

Список литературы (54) ↓ Статьи, ссылающиеся на эту (6) Похожие статьи (20)

  1. Mandelstamm L I, Tamm I E ""Elektrodynamik der anisotropen Medien und der speziallen Relativitatstheorie"" Math. Ann. 95 154 (1925)
  2. Tamm I E ""Electrodynamics of an anisotropic medium and the special theory of relativity"" Zh. Russ. Fiz.-Khim. O-va Chast. Fiz. 56 ((2-3)) 248 (1924)
  3. Tamm I E ""Crystal optics in the theory of relativity and its relationship to the geometry of a biquadratic form"" Zh. Russ. Fiz.-Khim. O-va Chast. Fiz. 57 ((3-4)) 1 (1925)
  4. Jauch J M, Watson K M Phys. Rev. 74 950 (1948)
  5. Jauch J M, Watson K M Phys. Rev. 74 1485 (1948)
  6. Watson K M, Jauch J M Phys. Rev. 75 1249 (1949)
  7. Bolotovskii B M, Stolyarov S N ""Current status of the electrodynamics of moving media (infinite media)"" in Einshtei-novskii Sbornik 1974 (Einstein Collection 1974) (Moscow: Nauka,, 1976) p. 179
  8. Ryazanov M I Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 32 1244 (1957); Ryazanov M I Sov. Phys. JETP 5 1013 (1957); Ryazanov M I "see also" Nekotorye Voprosy Teoreticheskoi Fiziki (Some Problems in Theoretical Physics) (Moscow: Atomizdat,, 1958) p. 75
  9. Tamm I ""uber die Quantentheorie der molekularen Lichtzerstreuung in festen Korpern"" Z. Phys. 60 345 (1930)
  10. Tamm I ""uber die Wechselwirkung der freien Elektronen mit der Strahlung nach der Diracschen Theorie des Elektrons und nach der Quantenelektrodynamik"" Z Phys. 62 545 (1930)
  11. Tamm I ""Zur Quantentheorie des Paramagnetismus" Z." Phys. 32 582 (1925)
  12. Tamm I ""Versuch einer quantitativen Fassung des Korrespon-denzprinzips und die Berechnung der Intensitaten der Spektrallinien. 1" Z" Phys. 34 59 (1925)
  13. Tamm I ""Zur Elektrodynamik des rotierenden Elektrons" Z" Phys. 55 199 (1929)
  14. Tamm I ""On the formulation of the exclusion principle in Dirac's theory of the positron"" Phys. Z. Sowjetunion 6 189 (1934)
  15. Tamm I ""Die verallgemeinerten Kugelfunktionen und Wellenfunktionen eines Elektrons im Felde eines Magnetpoles" Z" Phys. 71 141 (1931)
  16. Schubin S P, Tamm I E ""Zur Theorie der Photoeffekts an Metallen" Z" Phys. 68 97 (1931)
  17. Blochinzev D, Tamm I ""uber die Austrittsarbeit der Elektronen aus Metallen" Z" Phys. 77 774 (1932)
  18. Tamm I ""uber eine mogliche Art der Elektronenbildung an Kristalloberflachen"" Phys. Z. Sowjetunion 1 753 (1932)
  19. Davison S G, Levine J D ""Surface states"" Solid State Phys. 25 1 (1970)
  20. Tamm I E ""On the work of Marxist philosophers in the field of physics"" Pod Znamenem Marksizma 220 ((2)) (1933)
  21. Tamm I ""Exchange forces between neutrons and protons and Fermi's theory"" Nature (London) 133 981 (1934)
  22. Ivanenko D Nature (London) 133 981 (1934)
  23. Konopinski E J, Uhlenbeck G E Phys. Rev. 48 7 (1935)
  24. Tamm I E ""Beta radioactivity and nuclear forces"" Phys. Z. Sowjetunion 10 567 (1936)
  25. Tamm I E, Frank I M ""Coherent radiation from a fast electron in a medium"" Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 14 107 (1937)
  26. Tamm I ""Radiation emitted by uniformly moving electrons" J." Phys. USSR 1 439 (1939)
  27. Tamm I, Belenky S ""On the soft component of cosmic rays at sea level" /." Phys. USSR 1 177 (1939)
  28. Tamm I, Belenky S ""The energy spectrum of cascade electrons"" Phys. Rev. 70 660 (1946)
  29. Tamm I E ""Motion of mesons in electromagnetic fields"" Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 29 551 (1940); Tamm I E ""Motion of mesons in electromagnetic fields"" Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSS R 29 551 (1940)
  30. Landau L J Phys. USSR 2 485 (1940)
  31. Landau L, Tamm I Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 29 555 (1940)
  32. Tamm I E, Ginzburg V L ""Theory of electromagnetic processes in a layer core"" Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 7 30 (1943)
  33. Ginzburg V L, Tamm I E ""On the theory of spin"" Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 17 227 (1947)
  34. Frenkel' V Ya ""Encounters"" in Vospominaniya ob I E Tamme (Reminiscences about I E Tamm) 1st edition (Moscow: Nauka,, 1981), 1986 2nd edition; 1995 3rd edition
  35. Tamm I "Relativistic interaction of elementary particles" J Phys. USSR 9 449 (1945)
  36. Dancoff S M Phys. Rev. 78 382 (1950)
  37. Cini M Nuovo Cimento 10 (526,) 614 (1953)
  38. Dyson F J Phys. Rev. 90 994 (1953); Dyson F J Phys. Rev. 91 (421) 1543 (1953)
  39. Brekhovskikh L M, Tamm E I ""Shock in a plate and emission of sound from it"" in Referaty Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot za Gody. Otdelenie Fiz.-Mat. Nauk [AN SSSR] (Abstracts of Research Papers for 1943-44 (1943-1944); Division of Physicomathematical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences) (Moscow-Leningrad: Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR,, 1945) p. 46
  40. Brekhovskikh L M, Tamm I E ""On the forced vibrations of an infinite plate in contact with water"" Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16 879 (1946)
  41. Tamm I E ""On the width of high-intensity shock waves"" Tr. Fiz. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 29 239 (1965)
  42. Tamm I E ""On the electrodynamic interaction of electrons in accelerators"" Tr. Fiz. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 18 3 (1962)
  43. Khariton Yu B, Adamskii V B, Romanov Yu A, Smirnov Yu N "I E Tamm Glazami Fizikov Arzamasa-16" (I E Tamm in the Eyes of Physicists at Arzamas-16); Khariton Yu B, Adamskii V B, Romanov Yu A, Smirnov Yu N Vospominaniya ob I E Tamme (Reminiscences about I E Tamm) 3rd Edition (Moscow: IzdAT, 1995); Khariton Yu B, Adamskii V B, Romanov Yu A, Smirnov Yu N Priroda 86 ((7)) (1995)
  44. Tamm I E, Silin V P, Fainberg V Ya ""On the relativistic theory of the interaction of nucleons"" Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 24 3 (1953)
  45. ""From the notes of I N Golovin"" Pnroda 29 ((8)) (1990)
  46. Tamm I E ""Theory of a magnetic thermonuclear reactor. I"" in Fizika Plazmy i Problema Upravlyaemykh Termoyadernykh Reaktorov (Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions) Vol. Vol. 1 (Moscow: Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR,, 1958) p. 3
  47. Tamm I E ""Theory of a magnetic thermonuclear reactor. III"" in Fizika Plazmy i Problema Upravlyaemykh Termoyardernykh Reaktorov (Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions) Vol. Vol. 1 (Moscow: Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR,, 1958) p. 31
  48. Tamm I E, Gol'fand Yu A, Fainberg V Ya ""Semiphenome-nological theory of the interaction of tc mesons with nucleons"" Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 26 649 (1954)
  49. Mandel'shtam L I, Tamm I E ""Energy-time uncertainty relationship in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics"" Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. 9 122 (1945); Mandel'shtam L I, Tamm I E J. Phys. USSR 9 249 (1945)
  50. Silin V P, Fainberg V Ya Usp. Fiz.Nauk 56 569 (1955); Fainberg V Ya Priroda (1955), (7)
  51. Frank I M ""Scraps of reminiscences of various years"" in Vospominaniya ob I E Tamme (Reminiscences about I E Tamm) 2nd edition (Moscow: Nauka,, 1986) p. 249
  52. Landau L D ""On fundamental problems"" in L D Landau. Sobranie Trudov (L D Landau: Collected Works) Vol. Vol. 2, (Moscow: Nauka,, 1969) p. 423
  53. Tamm I E ""On curved momentum space"" in I E Tamm. Sobranie Nauchnykh Trudov (I E Tamm: Collected Scientific Works) Vol. Vol.2 (Moscow: Nauka,, 1975) p. p.218; see also Proceedings of International Conference on Elementary Particles, Kyoto (1965) p. 314
  54. Tamm I E, Vologodskii V B ""On the use of curved momentum space in constructing nonlocal quantum field theory"" Tr. Fiz. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 57 5 (1972)

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