PACS numbers

96.60.Bn Diameter, rotation, and mass 96.60.Hv Electric and magnetic fields, solar magnetism 96.60.Q− Solar activity
  1. S.A. Bogachev, A.S. Ulyanov et alMicroflares and nanoflares in the solar coronPhys. Usp. 63 783–800 (2020)
    95.55.Ka, 96.60.−j, 96.60.Q−, 96.60.qe (all)
  2. B.P. Filippov “Mass ejections from the solar atmospherePhys. Usp. 62 847–864 (2019)
    52.30.−q, 96.60.−j, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.P−, 96.60.Q− (all)
  3. E.P. Popova “Current results on the asymptotics of dynamo modelsPhys. Usp. 59 513–530 (2016)
    52.30.Cv, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.Q− (all)
  4. D.D. Sokoloff “Problems of magnetic dynamoPhys. Usp. 58 601–605 (2015)
    07.55.Db, 41.20.−q, 91.25.−r, 96.12.Hg, 96.60.Hv (all)
  5. D.D. Sokoloff, R.A. Stepanov, P.G. Frick “Dynamos: from an astrophysical model to laboratory experimentsPhys. Usp. 57 292–311 (2014)
    07.55.Db, 41.20.−q, 91.25.−r, 96.12.Hg, 96.60.Hv (all)
  6. A.G. Frank “Dynamics of current sheets underlying flare-type events in magnetized plasmasPhys. Usp. 53 941–947 (2010)
    52.30.Cv, 52.35.Vd, 96.60.Q− (all)
  7. R.A. Gulyaev “Erratum: Outer Solar corona as an optical manifestation of a heliospheric current layer [Sov. Phys. Usp. 35, 1083-1085 (December 1992)]Phys. Usp. 36 (5) 454–454 (1993), 96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.50.Bh (all)
  8. G.Ya. Smol’kov “New results on microwave emission from active regions of the sunPhys. Usp. 36 (1) 26–28 (1993)
    96.90.+c, 96.60.Q−, 95.55.Ev, 95.55.Jz (all)
  9. R.A. Gulyaev “Outer solar corona as an optical manifestation of the heliospheric current sheetSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (12) 1083–1085 (1992), 96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.50.Bh (all)
  10. V.A. Dogel’ “Differential rotation and stellar convectionSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (5) 392–392 (1990)
    96.60.Bn, 96.60.qd, 47.27.−i, 95.30.Lz (all)
  11. A.Z. Dolginov “Origin of the magnetic fields of the earth and celestial bodiesSov. Phys. Usp. 30 475–493 (1987)
    97.30.Fi, 91.25.−r, 96.60.Hv, 97.20.Ec, 91.35.Ed (all)
  12. Ya.B. Zeldovich, A.A. Ruzmaikin “The hydromagnetic dynamo as the source of planetary, solar, and galactic magnetismSov. Phys. Usp. 30 494–506 (1987)
    91.25.Mf, 96.12.Hg, 96.15.Gh, 96.60.Hv, 98.35.Eg (all)
  13. A.A. Ruzmaikin “Magnetic fields on the sunSov. Phys. Usp. 29 1069–1070 (1986)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.Q− (all)
  14. G.Ya. Smol’kov, T.A. Treskov, A.A. Pistol’kors “Commissioning of the Siberian Solar Radiotelescope and the results of first observationsSov. Phys. Usp. 28 1052–1054 (1985)
    96.60.Q−, 95.55.Ev, 95.55.Jz, 95.75.Kk (all)
  15. E.R. Mustel’, V.E. Chertoprud, N.B. Mulyukova “Energy sources for atmospheric cyclonesSov. Phys. Usp. 28 526–526 (1985)
    92.60.Qx, 92.60.hv, 96.60.Q−, 94.30.Lr, 94.30.Xy (all)
  16. S.I. Gopasyuk “Dynamics of the magnetic field, electric currents, and flares in active regions on the sunSov. Phys. Usp. 28 269–270 (1985)
    01.30.Cc, 96.60.qe, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.qd, 96.60.Mz (all)
  17. V.A. Krat “Prospects for Development of Solar Physics at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the USSR Academy of SciencesSov. Phys. Usp. 17 799–799 (1975)
    95.55.Ev, 95.75.−z, 96.60.Q− (all)
  18. É.R. Mustel’ “Action of Solar Particle Fluxes on the Lower Layers of the Earth’s AtmosphereSov. Phys. Usp. 16 739–740 (1974)
    96.60.Q−, 92.60.hv, 94.30.Lr, 92.60.Ry, 92.60.Qx (all)
  19. V.A. Krat “First Results from the Third Flight of the Soviet Solar Stratospheric ObservatorySov. Phys. Usp. 14 804–804 (1972)
    96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.qd, 95.55.Ev, 95.55.Qf (all)
  20. V.N. Kuril’chik “Relativistic Electrons in Extragalactic Radio SourcesSov. Phys. Usp. 14 804–805 (1972)
    01.10.Fv, 96.60.qd, 96.60.Mz, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.Na (all)
  21. S.I. Vainshtein, Ya.B. Zel’dovich “Origin of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics (Turbulent ’Dynamo’ Mechanisms)Sov. Phys. Usp. 15 159–172 (1972)
    95.85.Sz, 95.30.Qd, 96.60.Hv, 97.10.Ld (all)
  22. A.B. Severnyi “Certain New Results of Measurements of the Total Magnetic Field of the Sun and of the StarsSov. Phys. Usp. 13 663–663 (1971)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.qd, 97.10.Ld, 97.20.Pm, 95.55.Ev, 95.55.Qf (all)
  23. A.A. Mikhailov “Motion of the Earth’s PolesSov. Phys. Usp. 13 663–664 (1971)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.qd, 97.10.Ld, 97.20.Pm, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Kc, 95.55.Fw, 95.55.Qf (all)
  24. S.B. Pikel’ner “Dynamics of the solar atmosphereSov. Phys. Usp. 9 236–250 (1966)
    96.60.Ly, 96.60.qd, 96.60.Na, 97.10.Ex, 96.60.Bn, 96.60.Hv (all)
  25. A.B. Severnyi “Magnetic fields of the Sun and starsSov. Phys. Usp. 9 1–30 (1966)
    96.60.Hv, 96.60.qd, 97.10.Ld, 97.10.Tk (all)
  26. V.I. Krasovskii “Some results of igy and igc research on the aurora and night glowSov. Phys. Usp. 4 904–918 (1962)
    92.60.hw, 96.60.Q−, 94.20.Ac, 94.30.Xy (all)
  27. I.S. Shklovskii “The ultraviolet radiation and soft X-rays of the SunSov. Phys. Usp. 4 812–834 (1962)
    92.60.Vb,, 94.20.dg,, 94.20.wq, 96.60.Q− (all)
  28. V.L. Ginzburg, S.I. Syrovatskii “Present status of the question of the origin of cosmic raysSov. Phys. Usp. 3 504–541 (1961), 96.50.Dj, 97.60.Bw, 96.60.Q−, 98.70.Sa (all)
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