PACS numbers

92.10.Hm Ocean waves and oscillations
  1. A.V. Slunyaev, D.E. Pelinovsky, E.N. Pelinovsky “Rogue waves in the sea: observations, physics, and mathematicsPhys. Usp. 66 148–172 (2023)
    05.45.−a, 92.10.Hm (all)
  2. A.M. Fridman, L.S. Alperovich et alTsunami wave suppression using submarine barriersPhys. Usp. 53 809–816 (2010)
    89.60.Gg, 91.30.Nw, 92.05.Bc, 92.05.Hj, 92.10.hl, 92.10.Hm (all)
  3. M.G. Bulatov, Yu.A. Kravtsov et alPhysical mechanisms of aerospace radar imaging of the oceanPhys. Usp. 46 63–79 (2003)
    84.40.Ba, 92.10.Hm, 93.85.+q (all)
  4. V.V. Ivanov “Periodic weather and climate variationsPhys. Usp. 45 719–752 (2002)
    92.10.Hm, 92.60.We, 92.70.Gt (all)
  5. R.Kh. Zeytounian “Nonlinear long waves on water and solitonsPhys. Usp. 38 1333–1381 (1995)
    47.10.+g, 47.20.Ky, 92.10.Hm, 43.25.Rq (all)
  6. A.S. Monin “Turbulence and microstructure in the oceanSov. Phys. Usp. 16 121–131 (1973)
    92.10.Fj, 92.10.Lq, 92.05.Hj, 92.10.Ns, 92.10.Hm (all)
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