Polarized degenerate Fermi gas
1 January 2007
G.B.Partridge and his colleagues from the US and the Netherlands
have studied the properties of a cloud of polarized degenerate
fermionic 6Li atoms in a magneto-optical trap. Using microwave
radiation to control the degree of polarization (i. e., the
relative population of spin-up and spin-down atoms), the team
looked at the shape and phase state which different regions of the
cloud assumed at various polarizations and temperatures. As some
portion of the atoms were converted into the paired state using the
Feshbach resonance, the resulting pairs of atoms, now bosons,
formed an unpolarized core of Bose-Einstein condensate at the
center of a partially polarized gas halo (the elongated spheroidal
shape of the halo being consistent with the geometry of the trap
potential). At a sufficiently low temperature the core was observed
to have a sharp boundary and a close-to-spherical shape due to
surface tension forces at the boundary. Increasing temperature
strongly deformed the core and gave rise to a transition layer of
partially polarized gas between it and the halo. The experiment
confirms the existence in the phase diagram of
a triple point where the superfluid-to-normal transition changes
from second order to first order as the temperature is lowered.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 190407 (2006)
`Purifying' entangled quantum states
1 January 2007
There has been much recent activity in the study of entangled
quantum states (see Phys. Usp. 44 597 (2001)).
The focus of experimental interest in this area
is decoherence, i. e., the perturbation-induced destruction of
quantum correlations in the system. C.H.Bennett and colleagues in
1996 suggested an `entanglement purification' algorithm that first
checks whether there is correlation in the system and then picks up
the correlated pairs of particles. The basic idea underlying the
algorithm is to make copies of a quantum state (i. e., additional
pairs correlated with the original one) and then to use classical
information channels to compare their quantum state with that of
the first pair. Until recently, this algorithm has only been
implemented in experiments with photons, but with low efficiency
and in a destructive way, i.e., with the entangled state being
destroyed in the measurement process. Now R.Reichle and his
colleagues of the National Institute of Standards and Technology at
Boulder, Colorado, USA, have developed a new technique which they
used in an experiment on spin-entangled pairs of 9Be+ ions. After
first entangling two such ions in an ion trap by using laser
pulses, the researchers entangled each ion of the first pair with
the ions of the second. Measuring the quantum correlation of one of
the pairs revealed whether the ions of the second one were or were
not successfully entangled, thus weeding out the failures. The
`entanglement purification' level achieved was 35%, the important
point being that the entangled state of the second pair remained
undestroyed and could be used in further studies. The algorithm can
in principle be repeated several times, leading to higher-fidelity
entanglement. Source: Nature 443 838 (2006)
Superconductivity in boron-doped silicon
1 January 2007
Superconducting silicon has previously only been observed at a very
high pressure of about 10GPa in the hexagonal phase. Now
E.Busterret and his colleagues from France and Slovakia have for the
first time observed boron-doped silicon to become superconducting
in the cubic phase at atmospheric pressure. The team used a method
known as `gas immersion laser doping', in which boron atoms were
made to penetrate a thin silicon film by repeatedly melting and
solidifying the film. In this way silicon films with a very high
(several percent) boron content were created. The superconducting
transition temperature of the film was 0.35K, and the (critical)
magnetic field necessary to suppress superconductivity was 0.4T.
The superconducting transition was detected by electrical
resistance and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Doped silicon
turned out to be a second-kind superconductor. The
superconductivity of the films is due to a phonon mechanism, as
theoretical calculations predict and Raman spectroscopy confirms.
Source: Nature 444 465 (2006)
A gamma-ray source at the center of the Galaxy
1 January 2007
In 2004, a TeV gamma-ray source was detected at the center of our
Galaxy, whose nature is not yet known. Suggested as possible
candidates for emitting radiation have been the shell of a newly
exploded supernova, matter near the central supermassive black, and
dark matter particles annihilating at the center of the Galaxy.
Theoretical models predict (see, for example,
Phys. Usp. 38 687 (1995))
and galaxy formation simulations confirm that radiation due to annihilation appears as
a pointlike gamma-ray source if dark matter increases in density
toward the center of the Galaxy. Now astronomers have used the HESS
telescope, an array of four Cherenkov detectors, to further study
the source by detecting the particle showers high-energy photons
initiate in the atmosphere. It is found that the source is less
than 1.2' in angular size and that it has an approximately
power-law energy spectrum with no falloff at high energies. Given the
current limits on the parameters of neutralinos, the annihilation
of these particles cannot explain this spectrum. The cutoff scale
for the spectrum produced by a neutralino model should be the
energy equivalent of the particle mass, so neutralino annihilation
does not contribute more than about 10% to the source's gamma-ray
radiation, and the bulk of the radiation flux should be of a
different origin. Besides, the HESS observations did not reveal any
variabilities or spectral lines in the radiation emitted by the
source. Source: astro-ph/0610509
Dark energy at z=1
1 January 2007
It is quite an established fact (see Phys. Usp. 47 747 (2004))
that about 70% of the total density of the Universe is dark energy. To determine the nature of
dark energy, it is essential to know precisely how its density
evolved in time. Astronomers using the Hubble space telescope have
now carried out a new search for type Ia supernovae, thermonuclear
explosions of white dwarf stars that serve as standard candles for
estimating cosmological distances and the cosmological expansion
rate. In addition to the two previously found z>1 supernovae, Hubble
detected 23 more supernovae from 8 to 10 billion years ago. The
analysis of the observations suggests that even that far back dark
energy contributed noticeably to the total cosmological density,
and the expansion of the universe was gradually changing from
decelerating to accelerating. Unfortunately, with the precise dark
energy equation of state still unknown from observations,
quintessence models remain a possibility along with the
cosmological constant. Source: astro-ph/0611572
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.