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See also:
E.E. Takhtamirov,
V.L. Ginzburg,
L. Eaves,
P.C. Main,
M. Henini,
Yu.E. Lozovik,
J.C. Portal,
Yu.V. Dubrovskii,
G. Hill,
D.K. Maude,
J.C. Maan,
D.Yu. Ivanov,
V.B. Sandomirskii,
V.B. Timofeev,
V.A. Petrov
PACS: 71.45.Gm, 71.55.Eq, 73.20.Mf, 73.40.Gk, 71.24.+q, 29.27.Hj, 73.20.Cw, 73.40.Kp, 73.20.Dx, 71.25.Cx, 01.10.Fv, 79.60.Jv, 71.35.Lk, 29.25.Bx, 71.35.Ji