Anton Ivanovich Vasyunin

Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B N Yeltsin
Address: prosp. Mira 19, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (343) 375 44 44
Fax: +7 (343) 375 97 78

Accepted articles

  1. M.S. Kirsanova, P.V. Baklanov, E.O. Vasiliev et alThe origin and transport of water in the universePhys. Usp., accepted


  1. I.D. Novikov, S.F. Likhachev, Yu.A. Shchekinov et alObjectives of the Millimetron Space Observatory science program and technical capabilities of its realizationPhys. Usp. 64 386–419 (2021)

See also: I.D. Novikov, N.S. Kardashev, Yu.A. Shchekinov, S.F. Likhachev, T.I. Larchenkova, A.F. Punanova, S.V. Pilipenko, V.I. Kostenko, A.V. Smirnov, I.I. Zinchenko, D.Z. Wiebe, A.G. Doroshkevich, A.S. Andrianov, V.I. Shematovich, A.G. Rudnitsky

PACS: 07.87.+v, 96.30.-t, 96.55.+z, 97.60.Lf, 98.80.Es

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