Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fokin

Almazov National Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Address: Akkuratova str. 2, St. Petersburg, 197341, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (812) 702 37 30


  1. M.A. Zubkov, A.E. Andreychenko, E.I. Kretov et alUltrahigh field magnetic resonance imaging: new frontiers and possibilities in human imagingPhys. Usp. 62 1214–1232 (2019)

See also: M.A. Zubkov, E.I. Kretov, G.A. Solomakha, I.V. Melchakova, C.R. Simovskii, P.A. Belov, A.P. Slobozhanyuk, A.E. Andreychenko

PACS: 07.57.Pt, 87.61.-c

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