Alexey Vol’demarovich Kimel

MIREA - Russian Technological University
Address: prosp. Vernadskogo 78, Moscow, 119454, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 499 215-65-65 äîá. 1140

Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Molecules and Materials
Address: Heyendaalseweg 135, Nijmegen, 6525 AJ, The Netherlands


  1. A.M. Kalashnikova, A.V. Kimel, R.V. Pisarev “Ultrafast optomagnetismPhys. Usp. 58 969–980 (2015)

See also: R.V. Pisarev, A.M. Kalashnikova, G.A. Smolenskii

PACS: 42.62.-b, 75.40.Gb, 75.50.Ee, 75.78.Jp, 78.20.Ls, 78.30.-j

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