Maksim V. Kalashnik

A M Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Pyzhevskii per. 3, Moscow, 109017, Russian Federation


  1. M.V. Kalashnik, M.V. Kurgansky, O.G. Chkhetiani “Baroclinic instability in geophysical fluid dynamicsPhys. Usp. 65 1039–1070 (2022)
  2. P.N. Svirkunov, M.V. Kalashnik “Phase patterns of dispersive waves from moving localized sourcesPhys. Usp. 57 80–91 (2014)
  3. B.Ya. Shmerlin, M.V. Kalashnik “Rayleigh convective instability in the presence of phase transitions of water vapor. The formation of large-scale eddies and cloud structuresPhys. Usp. 56 473–485 (2013)
  4. L.Kh. Ingel, M.V. Kalashnik “Nontrivial features in the hydrodynamics of seawater and other stratified solutionsPhys. Usp. 55 356–381 (2012)

See also: L.Kh. Ingel’, M.V. Kurgansky, P.N. Svirkunov, B.Ya. Shmerlin, O.G. Chkhetiani

PACS: 47.10.-g, 47.20.Bp, 44.25.+f, 05.45.-a, 47.55.-t, 47.54.Bd, 47.20.Dr, 92.60.Qx, 92.60.Ox, 47.55.P-, 47.27.De, 47.35.Pq, 47.35.-i, 47.35.Bb,

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