N.N. Gor’kavyi

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Address: Simeiz, Crimea, Ukraine


  1. V.V. Prokof’eva, V.P. Tarashchuk, N.N. Gor’kavyi “Satellites of asteroidsPhys. Usp. 38 623–649 (1995)
  2. N.N. Gor’kavyi, A.M. Fridman “The physics of planetary ringsSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (2) 95–133 (1990)
  3. N.N. Gor’kavyi, A.M. Fridman “Collective processes and the structures in planetary ringsSov. Phys. Usp. 32 1038–1039 (1989)
  4. N.N. Gor’kavyi, A.M. Fridman “Resonance nature of the rings of Uranus and prediction of new satellites of UranusSov. Phys. Usp. 29 1152–1155 (1986)

See also: A.M. Fridman, V.V. Prokof’eva, V.P. Tarashchuk

PACS: 96.30.Wr, 96.30.Qk, 96.30.Ys, 96.15.Uv, 97.10.Fy, 96.30.Mh, 96.25.St, 96.30.Pj

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