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See also:
N.S. Maslova,
V.B. Braginskii,
V.L. Ginzburg,
S.V. Savinov,
A.V. Gurevich,
G.A. Askar’yan,
E.L. Feinberg,
Yu.V. Kopaev,
V.M. Agranovich,
V.B. Timofeev,
P.S. Kop’ev,
A.K. Murtazaev,
A.F. Andreev,
D.A. Kirzhnits,
N.N. Ledentsov
PACS: 73.20.At, 01.10.Fv, 68.35.Bs, 68.37.Ef, 66.30.Fq, 07.20.-n, 07.10.-h, 06.30.Dr, 61.66.Fn, 77.22.Gm, 41.20.Jb, 68.47.De, 05.60.Gg, 82.65.+r, 68.43.-h