Aleksandr V. Savin

Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: ul. Kosygina, 4, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (499) 137-29-51
Fax: +7 (495) 651-21-91


  1. V.N. Bingi, A.V. Savin “Reply to A Yu Grosberg’s letter to the Physics-Uspekhi Editorial BoardPhys. Usp. 48 537–538 (2005)
  2. V.N. Binhi, A.V. Savin “Effects of weak magnetic fields on biological systems: physical aspectsPhys. Usp. 46 259–291 (2003)
  3. A.V. Savin, L.I. Manevich, P.L. Christiansen, A.V. Zolotaryuk “Nonlinear dynamics of zigzag molecular chainsPhys. Usp. 42 245–260 (1999)
  4. L.I. Manevich, A.V. Savin, V.V. Smirnov, S.N. Volkov “Solitons in nondegenerate bistable systemsPhys. Usp. 37 859–879 (1994)

See also: L.I. Manevich, V.N. Bingi, V.V. Smirnov, P.L. Christiansen, A.V. Zolotaryuk, S.N. Volkov

PACS: 87.50.-a, 82.39.-k, 87.10.+e, 87.50.Mn, 02.40.-k, 36.20.-r, 43.25.Rq, 87.15.He, 64.60.-i

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