





Conferences and symposia

Large-format imaging systems based on solid-state detectors in optical astronomy

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Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhnii Arkhyz, Zelenchukskiy Region, Karachai-Cherkessian Republic, Russian Federation

The development of technologies for creating various types of solid-state detectors for optical astronomy is reviewed. The principles of designing astronomical photodetecting systems with large-format sensors based on charge-coupled device (CCD) and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) structures are analyzed. Examples of the most advanced projects to which they have been applied are given. The history of the creation of optical detectors for telescopes operated in Russia is described, and a brief description and characteristics of the developed systems are presented. The results of testing in real research are displayed. The prospects for creating large-format systems based on CCD and CMOS detectors manufactured in Russia and abroad are discussed.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2023.04.039575
Keywords: instruments, photodetecting systems, imaging systems, CCDs, CMOSs, imaging system controller, data acquisition
PACS: 07.50.Qx, 42.79.Pw, 95.55.−n (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2023.04.039575
Citation: Vlasyuk V V, Afanasieva I V, Ardilanov V I, Murzin V A, Ivaschenko N G, Pritychenko M A, Dodonov S N "Large-format imaging systems based on solid-state detectors in optical astronomy" Phys. Usp. 67 405–416 (2024)
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Received: 9th, October 2023, 21st, April 2023

Оригинал: Власюк В В, Афанасьева И В, Ардиланов В И, Мурзин В А, Иващенко Н Г, Притыченко М А, Додонов С Н «Крупноформатные системы регистрации изображений на базе твердотельных детекторов в оптической астрономии» УФН 194 432–445 (2024); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2023.04.039575

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