PACS:01.60.+q DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2023.02.039331 URL: 001096987300004 2023PhyU...66..325B Citation: Bikmaev I F, Vikhlinin A A, Gilfanov M R, Grebenev S A, Zelenyi L M, Lutovinov A A, Petrukovich A A, Postnov K A, Starobinskii A A, Cherepashchuk A M, Churazov E M, Shakura N I "Rashid Alievich Sunyaev (on his 80th birthday)" Phys. Usp.66 322–324 (2023)
@article{Bikmaev:2023,author = {I. F. Bikmaev and A. A. Vikhlinin and M. R. Gilfanov and S. A. Grebenev and L. M. Zelenyi and A. A. Lutovinov and A. A. Petrukovich and K. A. Postnov and A. A. Starobinskii and A. M. Cherepashchuk and E. M. Churazov and N. I. Shakura},title = {Rashid Alievich Sunyaev (on his 80th birthday)},publisher = {Physics-Uspekhi},year = {2023},journal = {Phys. Usp.},volume = {66},number = {3},pages = {322-324},url = {},doi = {10.3367/UFNe.2023.02.039331}}