





Reviews of topical problems

Microscopic approach to the description of spin torques in two-dimensional Rashba ferromagnets and antiferromagnets

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Bolshoy Boulevard 30, bld. 1, Moscow, 121205, Russian Federation

We review the most significant results obtained in the framework of the microscopic approach to a systematic study of magnetic dynamics in two-dimensional ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials with a strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling. For model systems, we discuss the microscopic derivation of the Gilbert damping tensor, spin-orbit and spin-transfer torques, and symmetric and antisymmetric exchange interactions. It is shown that in both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic systems, the presence of a sufficiently strong spin-orbit coupling leads to an anisotropy of spin torques and Gilbert damping. We focus on an analysis of spin-orbit torques in a two-dimensional Rashba antiferromagnet. We also address the possibility of switching the antiferromagnetic order parameter via short current pulses in the plane of the sample.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2021.04.038964
Keywords: ferromagnet, antiferromagnet, spin-orbit coupling, Dzyaloshinskii—Moriya interaction, spin-transfer torque, spin-orbit torque, Gilbert damping
PACS: 75.10.−b, 75.30.−m, 75.40.Cx, 75.50.Ee (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2021.04.038964
Citation: Pervishko A A, Yudin D I "Microscopic approach to the description of spin torques in two-dimensional Rashba ferromagnets and antiferromagnets" Phys. Usp. 65 215–226 (2022)
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Received: 14th, November 2020, revised: 7th, April 2021, 7th, April 2021

Оригинал: Первишко А А, Юдин Д И «Микроскопический подход к описанию спиновых моментов в двумерных анти- и ферромагнетиках Рашбы» УФН 192 233–246 (2022); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2021.04.038964

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