On the 60th anniversary of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On the 100th anniversary of the birth G.I. Budker
Studies of ion and neutral beam physics and technology at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS
An overview of the studies of physics and technology of ion and neutral beams carried out at the Bunker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB
RAS since 1960 till now is presented. These studies were initiated by Academician G.I. Budker for the charge-exchange injection of
particles into storage rings. Subsequently, many ion sources and natural beams were developed and studied for applications in
accelerators and plasma devices for plasma heating and diagnostics.
Keywords: ion source, neutral beam, negative ion source, positive ion source, polarized beam, plasma source PACS:29.25.Ni, 29.27.Ac, 29.27.Fh, 29.27.Hj, 41.75.−i, 41.75.Ak, 41.75.Cn, 41.85.−p, 41.85.Ar, 52.50.Dg, 52.50.Gj (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2018.02.038305 URL: https://ufn.ru/en/articles/2018/6/b/ 000444769900002 2-s2.0-85053398128 2018PhyU...61..531B Citation: Belchenko Yu I, Davydenko V I, Deichuli P P, Emelev I S, Ivanov A A, Kolmogorov V V, Konstantinov S G, Krasnov A A, Popov S S, Sanin A L, Sorokin A V, Stupishin N V, Shikhovtsev I V, Kolmogorov A V, Atlukhanov M G, Abdrashitov G F, Dranichnikov A N, Kapitonov V A, Kondakov A A "Studies of ion and neutral beam physics and technology at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS" Phys. Usp.61 531–581 (2018)
Received: 5th, February 2018, accepted: 14th, February 2018
Оригинал: Бельченко Ю И, Давыденко В И, Дейчули П П, Емелев И С, Иванов А А, Колмогоров В В, Константинов С Г, Краснов А А, Попов С С, Санин А Л, Сорокин А В, Ступишин Н В, Шиховцев И В, Колмогоров А В, Атлуханов М Г, Абдрашитов Г Ф, Драничников А Н, Капитонов В А, Кондаков А А «Исследования по физике и технике ионных и атомарных пучков в ИЯФ СО РАН» УФН188 595–650 (2018); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2018.02.038305