Holographic approach to quark—gluon plasma in heavy ion collisionsV.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Gubkina 8, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation We review recent applications of dual holographic approach to the quark—gluon plasma observed in high energy collisions of relativistic heavy ions. Holography and AdS/CFT duality provide a means to study the properties of strong coupling quantum field theories using higher-dimensional gravity theories. The appearance of quark—gluon plasma in a heavy ion collision can in dual terms be described as the formation of a black hole. To illustrate the major achievements of holographic theory we discuss the calculation of the following quantities: the shear viscosity and other transport coefficients (all calculated by second order hydrodynamic models), the energy dependence of multiplicities, and the anisotropic thermalization and isotropization times. We also compare theoretical predictions with experimental data, including the recent LHC results.
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