





From the history of physics. 450th anniversary of the birth of Galileo Galilei

“Galileo was amazingly endowed with a gift of... inculcating scientific truth”

Ever since centuries ago, when he came to the fore as a mighty figure in Enlightenment science, Galileo Galilei has been admired and respected not only for supporting Copernican theory and laying the foundations of mechanics and physics; and not only for his unique ability to disprove arguments against the new science and the new world view; but also for his civic courage in defending his discoveries and views, a crucial quality for anyone who opposes outdated views and ideas.

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DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0184.201402c.0153
Citation: Shcherbakov R N ""Galileo was amazingly endowed with a gift of... inculcating scientific truth"" Phys. Usp. 57 143–151 (2014)
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Received: 25th, September 2013, revised: 5th, January 2014, 7th, January 2014

Оригинал: Щербаков Р Н «‘Галилей обладал в изумительной степени даром того, что... теперь называют „внедрением‘ научной истины’» УФН 184 153–160 (2014); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0184.201402c.0153

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