





Reviews of topical problems

Dynamic model of supersonic martensitic crystal growth

Ural State Forest Engineering University, 37, Sibirskii trakt, Ekaterinburg, 620100, Russian Federation

The basic features of martensitic transformations are reviewed using the fcc—bcc (bct) transformation in iron alloys as an example. Supersonic crystal growth is believed to be due to a master wave process initiated by an excited (oscillatory) state that arises in the elastic field of a dislocation. Topics discussed include the mechanism by which nonequilibrium electrons generate (amplify) master waves; the optimum range of parameters for wave generation; the dependence of the transformation onset temperature on the polycrystal size; and the formation of transformation twins due to the coordinated action of relatively short and relatively long wavelength waves. Future research prospects are briefly discussed.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0181.201104a.0345
PACS: 63.20.−e, 64.70.K−, 81.30.Kf (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0181.201104a.0345
Citation: Kashchenko M P, Chashchina V G "Dynamic model of supersonic martensitic crystal growth" Phys. Usp. 54 331–349 (2011)
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Received: 17th, July 2010, revised: 15th, September 2010, 21st, September 2010

Оригинал: Кащенко М П, Чащина В Г «Динамическая модель сверхзвукового роста мартенситных кристаллов» УФН 181 345–364 (2011); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0181.201104a.0345

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