





Instruments and methods of investigation

Plasma isotope separation based on ion cyclotron resonance

National Research Centre ‘Kurchatov Institute’, pl. akad. Kurchatova 1, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation

Experiments that have been conducted in the USA, France, and Russia to investigate isotopically selective ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) as a tool for plasma isotope separation are analyzed. Because this method runs into difficulties at low values of the relative isotope mass difference ΔM/M, for some elements (for gadolinium, as an example) isotope separation still remains a problem. There are ways to solve it, however, as experimental results and theoretical calculations suggest.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0179.200904c.0369
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DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0179.200904c.0369
Citation: Dolgolenko D A, Muromkin Yu A "Plasma isotope separation based on ion cyclotron resonance" Phys. Usp. 52 345–357 (2009)
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Оригинал: Долголенко Д А, Муромкин Ю А «Разделение изотопов в плазме на основе ионного циклотронного резонанса» УФН 179 369–382 (2009); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0179.200904c.0369

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