






Conferences and symposia

V.F. Gantmakher, M.V. Feigel’man “Mesoscopic and strongly correlated electron systems ’Chernogolovka 97′ Mesoscopic unificationPhys. Usp. 41 105–108 (1998)

V.B. Timofeev, A.V. Larionov, J. Zeman, G. Martinez, J. Hvam, D. Birkedal, K. Soerensen “Interwell radiative recombination of a 2D electron gas in electrically biased double quantum wellsPhys. Usp. 41 109–112 (1998)

G. Finkelstein, H. Shtrikman, I. Bar-Joseph “Shakeup processes of a two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at high magnetic fieldsPhys. Usp. 41 112–114 (1998)

V.D. Kulakovskii, M. Bayer, M. Michel, A. Forchel, T. Gutbrod, F. Faller “Excitonic molecules in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dotsPhys. Usp. 41 115–118 (1998)

L.V. Butov “Anomalous transport and luminescence of indirect excitons in coupled quantum wellsPhys. Usp. 41 118–122 (1998)

T. Ihn, A. Thornton, I.E. Itskevich, P.H. Beton, P. Martin, P. Moriarty, E. Muller, A. Nogaret, P.C. Main, L. Eaves, M. Henini “A self-assembled InAs quantum dot used as a quantum microscope looking into a two-dimensional electron gasPhys. Usp. 41 122–125 (1998)

Physics news on the internet

Yu.N. Eroshenko “Physics news on the Internet (based on electronic preprints)Phys. Usp. 41 126–126 (1998)

Conferences and symposia

S.I. Dorozhkin, M.O. Dorokhova, R.J. Haug, K. Ploog “Capacitance spectroscopy of the fractional quantum Hall effectPhys. Usp. 41 127–131 (1998)

S.V. Iordanskii “Non-singular vortex-skyrmions in a two-dimensional electron systemPhys. Usp. 41 131–134 (1998)

W. Apel, Yu.A. Bychkov “Microscopic derivation of the effective Lagrangian for skyrmions in an interacting two-dimensional electron gas at small g-factorPhys. Usp. 41 134–138 (1998)

V.T. Dolgopolov, A.A. Shashkin, A.V. Aristov, D. Schmerek, W. Hansen, J.P. Kotthaus, M. Halland “Nonlinear screening, and spin and cyclotron gaps in the 2D electron gas of GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctionsPhys. Usp. 41 138–141 (1998)

L.S. Levitov, A.V. Shitov, B.I. Halperin “Effective action and Green’s function for a compressible QH edge statePhys. Usp. 41 141–145 (1998)

G.B. Lesovik “Recording zero-point current and voltage fluctuationsPhys. Usp. 41 145–149 (1998)

Ya.M. Blanter, S.A. van Langen, M. Buttiker “Exchange effects in shot noise in multi-terminal devicesPhys. Usp. 41 149–152 (1998)

L. Vina, M. Potemski, W.I. Wang “Signatures of quantum chaos in the magneto-excitonic spectrum of quantum wellsPhys. Usp. 41 153–156 (1998)

V.I. Fal’ko “Image of local density of states in differential conductance fluctuations in the resonance tunneling between disordered metalsPhys. Usp. 41 156–159 (1998)

J. Koenig, H. Schoeller, G. Schon “Resonant tunneling through a single-electron transistorPhys. Usp. 41 159–164 (1998)

Z.D. Kvon, E.B. Olshanetskii, G.M. Gusev, J.C. Portal, D.K. Maude “Coulomb-like mesoscopic conductance fluctuations in a 2D electron gas near the filling factor ν = 1/2Phys. Usp. 41 164–166 (1998)

H.S. van der Zant, O.C. Mantel, P.W. Rutten, C. Dekker “Electrical transport through micro-fabricated charge-density-wave structuresPhys. Usp. 41 167–171 (1998)

Y. Oreg, A.M. Finkel’stein “Flow diagram for impurity scattering in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquidsPhys. Usp. 41 171–175 (1998)

W. Hansen, D. Schmerek, C. Steinebach “Ground states in one-dimensional electron systemsPhys. Usp. 41 175–178 (1998)

L. Gorelik, S. Kulinich, Yu.I. Gal’perin, R.I. Shekhter, M. Jonson “Pumping of energy into a mesoscopic ring. Exactly solvable modelPhys. Usp. 41 178–182 (1998)

M. Pascaud, G. Montambaux “Interference effects in mesoscopic disordered rings and wiresPhys. Usp. 41 182–186 (1998)

M.E. Gershenson, Yu.B. Khavin, A.L. Bogdanov “Electrons in quasi-one-dimensional conductors: from high-temperature diffusion to low-temperature hoppingPhys. Usp. 41 186–189 (1998)

A.F. Volkov, V.V. Pavlovskii “Phase-coherent phenomena in S-N-S structuresPhys. Usp. 41 191–195 (1998)

B. Spivak, A. Zyuzin “Sign memory of the Ruderman-Kittel interaction in disordered metals and magnetic coupling in mesoscopic metal/ferromagnet layered systemsPhys. Usp. 41 195–197 (1998)

D.A. Ivanov, M.V. Feigel’man “Coulomb effects in a ballistic one-channel S-S-S devicePhys. Usp. 41 197–201 (1998)

E.S. Soldatov, V.V. Khanin, A.S. Trifonov, S.P. Gubin, V.V. Kolesov, D.E. Presnov, S.A. Yakovenko, G.V. Khomutov, A.N. Korotkov “Room temperature molecular single-electron transistorPhys. Usp. 41 202–204 (1998)

V.A. Krupenin, S.V. Lotkhov, H. Scherer, A.B. Zorin, F.-J. Ahlers, J. Niemeyer, H. Wolf “Sensing of dynamic charge states using single-electron tunneling transistorsPhys. Usp. 41 204–206 (1998)

A.V. Shitov, P.A. Lee, L.S. Levitov “Localization of quasiparticles in an NS structurePhys. Usp. 41 207–210 (1998)

V.M. Pudalov “The metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional system at zero magnetic fieldPhys. Usp. 41 211–214 (1998)

V.F. Gantmakher “Superconductor-insulator transitions and insulators with localized pairsPhys. Usp. 41 214–217 (1998)

A. Gold “Superconductor-insulator transition in the disordered Bose condensate: a discussion of the mode-coupling approachPhys. Usp. 41 217–220 (1998)

A. Frydman, E.P. Price, R.C. Dynes “Mesoscopic phenomena in disordered superconductorsPhys. Usp. 41 220–223 (1998)

A.N. Lavrov, V.F. Gantmakher “Low-temperature resistivity of underdoped cupratesPhys. Usp. 41 223–226 (1998)

A.D. Zaikin, D.S. Golubev, A. van Otterlo, G.T. Zimanyi “Quantum fluctuations and dissipation in thin superconducting wiresPhys. Usp. 41 226–230 (1998)

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